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First customer done. Eye opener


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So this morning I had my first paying customer (not yet paid)

You will all laugh.

Took 75 litres and budgeted 35mins to get the job done.

Short version 1 hour later and about 70litres gone and I'm done.

Windows were not the best, some leaded windows with the lead pealing off the glass. Other windows with seal missing in corners. Front door where the bottom seal was sagging into the house. Sills were green in parts.

Luckily for me the owners mom turned up before I started to clean which gave me the opportunity to point out all of my concerns. 

Anyway went over the frames and windows 3 times (yes 3 times) because I don't want to be known as a "splash and dash" and I am still on a big learning curve.

So left a flyer with all the info on the back including that there could be possible streaking due to the perished seals bleeding. And the fact I went over the windows 3 times to give the best possible results. 

Anyway sitting tight now as I'm either going to get a "Thank you" message or a "I am not happy and not paying" message.

Need to push for new builds where the windows will be a dream lol.

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Well done, usually takes more time and more water than you think but everything improves with practice.

as for new builds, they aren’t as good as you think, if there’s building work still ongoing in the development then you will be doing a first clean every time until the builders are gone.

Well done, usually takes more time and more water than you think but everything improves with practice.

as for new builds, they aren’t as good as you think, if there’s building work still ongoing in the development then you will be doing a first clean every time until the builders are gone.

The other problem with new builds is that the customers move in with great expectations and a list of good intentions. One will be a clean house and clean windows - after all everything is brand new. But quickly they find out that paying for all this becomes difficult as they don't have much disposable income left after paying the mortgage. So you end up with a round mixed with a littering of bad payers. By the time you weed these out, you are left with a few good customers.

Unfortunately, they sometimes aren't worth the cost of servicing them.

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The first of my customers I converted over 10 years back was a four bed mid terrace job and I used about 35 litres to do the job. The same job now takes me about 12 litres and about 1/3rd the time.

As with trad cleaning there are techniques you learn over time that increase your speed and efficiency. As you perfect your tecnique and gain both experience and confidence you will find you use less water even on first cleans.

Well done @Craigmac. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step... Good old ancient Chinese philosophy for you there.

Just because you're new to this don't be frightened of asking for payment on the day. Tell them cash on the day for the first job and then Gocardless afterwards. You wouldn't hire a builder to do a one day job and expect him to walk without being paid, you worked for these people, they shouldn't keep you waiting for payment really mate and no one will begrudge you it.

We’ve all been there mate (not that specific job) but yeh. Sounds fine. Good to hear you’re thorough! If it’s warm weather like today (was 17 degrees in Bournemouth) windows dry pretty quickly so hopefully they would of almost dried before you left, if they looked fine when you left then you’ll probably be ok! 

My my first job was a £12 upstairs flat. First clean (which was £15) was quite dirty, but just a average 2 bed upstairs, 5 windows in all & front door (3 windows were quite big I thought at the time) was there just under an hour. Way over scrubbed and thoroughly doubled rinsed everything. Don’t clean it now as they moved, but if I did a first clean now on it, would expect to do it in 20-25 minutes. 

Its all a fun learning curve! Go for it

eventually your aim should be to go as fast as possible without anyone complaining.

if you get complaints often you need to slow down, if youve never had a compliant you are probably over cleaning.

our business is all about £ vs time. At first you will do  way too much cleaning and being paranoid but the busier you get and the more strapped for time you become it will amaze you how fast you can clean and still get paid for it.

The other problem with new builds is that the customers move in with great expectations and a list of good intentions. One will be a clean house and clean windows - after all everything is brand new. But quickly they find out that paying for all this becomes difficult as they don't have much disposable income left after paying the mortgage. So you end up with a round mixed with a littering of bad payers. By the time you weed these out, you are left with a few good customers.
Unfortunately, they sometimes aren't worth the cost of servicing them.
Totally agree. It Takes 5 years plus to fully crack a new build estate and have a good solid client base

County Durham Lad

Totally agree. It Takes 5 years plus to fully crack a new build estate and have a good solid client base

County Durham Lad
..and for some reason the windows always seem to get dirty quicker on new build estates even after the builders have moved on. 'Why clean the windows if they are going to get dirty again?'

..and for some reason the windows always seem to get dirty quicker on new build estates even after the builders have moved on. 'Why clean the windows if they are going to get dirty again?'
[emoji23] amazing how many new home owners think that I drive past one house that hasn't had their windows cleaned since their new house was built over 8 years ago

County Durham Lad

Well had a message off the customer today, apologizing for the late payment (into our business account) and saying how chuffed she is with the windows. 

Yay me 

Now onto the next one : )

Thanks for the support really appreciate it.  

just wait till you get texts moaning and saying they want to cancel, then the fun starts.

more work you have, more headaches you pick up, its not too difficult to build a full round, but takes many years to get a full quality round thats hassle free.... im not there yet but still trying lol


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