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float valve for tank


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can I use a ro float valve with my gpd450 I know that the waste will carry on just wondering can they be use without the auto shut down valve.

Fully understand what your saying jimmyboots, have watched the videos on YouTube installing the check valve and shutdown valve all looked simple as all the videos shown only have the one membrane, but when I looked at mine having three membrane pipe work everywhere I couldn't make head or tail my diy and logic isn't a good mixture, or should I say non existent lol.

After the RO and DI, even with three membranes you should eventually only have one pipe for pure and one for waste. This is where you plumb in your float valve.

Cut both pure and waste pipes and connect them to the respective sides of the pressure switch which is what the white thing is with the four pipe connections. When the ball valve shuts off, pressure will build in the switch which will in turn turn off the waste. The pressure switch should be marked as to which pipe goes where

Thanks Mark, ordered the collinswaterproducts kit I know where to come when I want it fitted lol.


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