im trying to remember the name of those yellow safety legs that you used to be able to buy,for the life of me i cannot remember the name,you clipped one on each side of the stiles.they were the definitive safety gizmo for a long time
iv jus rememebered ! see iv not lost it --- ladda limpets! i had a set of these ( they arent made anymore , why is that?were there claims made who knows ]
Anyhow i used them a few times with no problem,then on a different forum in a discussion about safety ,2 lads wrote that they had limpets that had lost grip in a split second ,a very scarey experience by all accounts . i sold mine shortly afterwards
iv jus rememebered ! see iv not lost it --- ladda limpets! i had a set of these ( they arent made anymore , why is that?were there claims made who knows ]
Anyhow i used them a few times with no problem,then on a different forum in a discussion about safety ,2 lads wrote that they had limpets that had lost grip in a split second ,a very scarey experience by all accounts . i sold mine shortly afterwards