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Gaining Customers From Trad Guys


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Thought I would start a WFP thread (similar to the one in the trad forum)

I have noticed over the last 6 months we have picked up a lot of work from trad guys.

More importantly we are getting phone calls asking for pure water window cleaning.

This can only be a good thing.

I always ask when I pick up a new customer, if they had trad or wfp. And trad seems to be the norm.

I think WFP is getting a good name for itself now, i dont think it had a good name say 2 or 3 years ago.

When we picked up customers a few years ago and mentioned this system is was like Helllll Noooo we dont want that again. Now it seems to be a good thing /emoticons/biggrin.png

some like it most old folk dont im trad but want to go to WFP to be fair for safety reasons and time.if done correct i dont think you can split the 2 methods up both do a decent job.

oh and i do frames;)lol

Quite a lot of the older customers have said it really good. I think they like because we will clean a few extra things. Like garage doors, keep plastic roofs clean etc.

Thought I would start a WFP thread (similar to the one in the trad forum)
I have noticed over the last 6 months we have picked up a lot of work from trad guys.

More importantly we are getting phone calls asking for pure water window cleaning.

This can only be a good thing.

I always ask when I pick up a new customer, if they had trad or wfp. And trad seems to be the norm.

I think WFP is getting a good name for itself now, i dont think it had a good name say 2 or 3 years ago.

When we picked up customers a few years ago and mentioned this system is was like Helllll Noooo we dont want that again. Now it seems to be a good thing /emoticons/biggrin.png
A good thing for you & wfp guys but not if yer a traddie lol

More people see it as an easier option.

If i see a new WC round my way, its usually a wfp guy.

still see the odd rover with ladders on the roof and scrims on the parcel shelf.

Yeah I'm one of them lol. Love it tho but do do a bit of wfp from my backpack. I love tradding & won't change till I'm forced to. Think there both great & my poor ole van would look bare without its ladders on lol.

I had an accident so that forced my hand. Misplaced footing when cleaning a skylight and landed on a frozen lawn. Lucky to still be walking.

some like it most old folk dont im trad but want to go to WFP to be fair for safety reasons and time.if done correct i dont think you can split the 2 methods up both do a decent job.
oh and i do frames;)lol
some like it most old folk dont im trad but want to go to WFP to be fair for safety reasons and time.if done correct i dont think you can split the 2 methods up both do a decent job.
oh and i do frames;)lol
wfp is better and quiclker to pick up cash but does any other wfp worker get annoyed at the constant spending with wfp? sometimes i feel like trad way is better as there are no costs. there are 5 of us on poles, which means bigger vans to hold tanks etc n constant spending on hoses , batterys, pumps. trad way is just ladders on a car n ur away, freezin temps peg wfp back as well

I swing both ways,some read some wfp.always read on bottoms tho,nothing worse than seeing windows shabbed with a brush.

Be warned bottom reach and wash boys,learn to blade.


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