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Getting pure...drip drip drip


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and so my voyage into wfp begins....the kit arrives all boxed up...i decided to go for all three things in one go and get it all over with....

first out my backpack sprayer....yeh ...the chinese to english translation is always funny...i think i understand it now...

basically the charger plugs in and if its red its charging green and done....simples...

connected up the outlet to hoselock and i put on the handle okay....the backpack straps ...hmmm now that was funny but by a miracle and i mean a miracle i figured it out...all done and ready to go...

the pole ...for a total newbie...was quite easy to put the bits and bobs together ...rock and roll this looks like we could be on our way...

and then i open the ro kit....:eek: i read the leaflet once didnt understand at all and left it....i know from other previous new stuff that this is the way to do it...i came back and read the leaflet again....hmmm ....i kinda got some of it....and finally after the third read and getting pee ed off by looking at the box...and nagged as a lazy bar steward by one of you...was that you keir...i got off my bike and started to work....

it was supposed to be pre assembled after all ..but i read three warnings at least about putting in the di before you had taken a few tedious..sorry....tds readings on ro output first as if it was too high you probably hadnt put in the ro correctly....i was very careful as i unwrapped and inserted the first filter...okay so far...then the second the charcoal...okay again...and now for the third the di ...oh no you dont...

but what wasnt clear was do you screw the cannister up empty or can you just leave it open whilst you take your post ro reading....i wasnt sure so i screwed it on anyway...

then and finally i was almost there the ro membrane...now the instructions were very specific on how important it was to fully shove it home else water could seep past the two o rings and increase your op tds and so nervously i slotted it in and pushing quite hard i was sure i was right...

and so..progress at last...out of the box...i managed successfully to drill and plug two holes the correct distance apart and level....well okay...so i used a hammer to bend the screws to fit but hey we cant all be perfect....

my guide for the distance between the screw holes...an old rubber blade...oh dear..

any way now it was on the wall....and looking good to go....but next i had to get the various feeds fitted..

well at least the feeds were all colour coded ....even i could manage that one...first up was the waste...nice and easy remove the fitted red bung and slowly insert the red waste pipe until you feel its home.. i placed the pipe nicely down a vacant washing machine waste outlet...job done well i did have to struggle to get the little blue circlip in place....

second job...the white pure out let same as above easy peasy except of course the circlip shot across the room somewhere never to be found.....good job he enclosed a few spares...

third and final and most hard the water feed in...hmmm never again...

he enclosed a spacer which goes between a cold water outside tap and the socket on the wall so you unscrew the tap...alright yes i did knock the water off first....screw in the spacer...and then screw the tap into the spacer...the outlet water feed comes off the spacer...

i er...dont know why you would want to connect to an outside tap as surely in the winter....it would all freeze but i am not one to question such things....

anyway i wasnt going to do that...mine was in my extension..so i looked amongst my bits from my previous plumbing outings and found an old tap but i was even luckier i found a 15mm blank and so i didnt need to put the tap in ...but could i get the fitting to fit into the tap socket i had found in my plumbing bits box...without leaking....no would be the answer to that...

eventually with a lot of wfp words to be heard....i stopped it leaking ...but i was knee deep in water,underneath a worktop, and not a happy chappy....

and so to the big switch on...nothing...a bit of a gurgle as the cannisters filled up but no sign of the pump working...really annoyed at that...

thought what have i done wrong...and quite a long time later i heard the joyous sounds of a drip...

it takes a long long time for the ro and cannisters to get full...and then we were off...no pump though...

a tiny leak on the pure outlet was soon fixed by taking out and re insertion....

eventually several days later after switching it on and off countless times and checking the fuse and indeed even the socket...on really close inspection i saw a loose fine red wire lead...aha....and i dont think it had ever been connected as it was still trapped and wouldnt have reached where it was supposed to go,

after much searching with a torch i found an empty spade connector and fitted it to that and hurray...the pump burst into life...and i do think out put has gone a bit faster...and so i can at last get pure on tap...

although i still havent fitted the di...well ...i hope that goes okay ...probably tomorrow...easy ..honest...i will be upgrading shortly no doubt...will post a pic later as time for sleepy now....:zzz: but dont be scared if dimwit here can do it anyone can...

My first time setup was so stressful. Lucky I had the seller john to call... Wait till a year on and something weird happens like water pissing everywhere from a elbow inlet valve failing which takes a week to figure out... Fun fun fun blahhh



and in the end....i finally plucked up the courage to insert my di....well i got scared reading all the warnings about putting it in too early and it getting depleted to fast...so i tested my ro at 5ppm and put in the di ...was easy...and fired up and waited a while for it to come through tested it...12ppm ..:eek::eek::eek: but panic over a bit later as it drops to 1ppm.

i of course write this post for the newbies out there...yeh we know you wfp pros know how to do it but just reading posts doesnt take away the fear of cocki ng up on your investment.....now i have pure on tap and it tastes great...

i wonder how long it will be before i go for the 200gpd upgrade kit....and a bigger tank...the list goes on...cant wait for work ...which is a bloomin change of attitude for me:rofl:

Hey cnc hope you've read about tds creep ? Understanding it will make your resin last twice as long /emoticons/wink.png

nope...i only ever get time to read the new posts:D

who is this tedious creep....?:laugh:

is that as the resin starts to get used up ....and as someone recently said you take it out give it a good shake and roll and stick it back in to offset the channeling effect and make water take a different path over different resin....or something else...but thanks anyway for reminding me to go make another barrel ..i must set the minute minder on the cooker....beep beep flood alert....

Bloody love it, i reckon they should make a reality tv program about window cleaners and cnc as the star, and then another lad who is dead serious and over the top anal about it all, i reckon it would be laugh out loud funny.

Jesus they make worse programmes than that and they run for 5 series no probs

ahh ta keir and ta smurf....all clear now...store the first min or two for drinking....yes...i do ....occasionally drink water!

bloody ell that second one talks to fast for my old brain...crackin vids though ...i have been flushing first as its so easy to flip the tap so every bit helps...

now off to play with my new kit...

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