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Early days but going well!


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One thing I have noticed from folk who do well in this job is this:- They interact with their customers and point things out to their customers. I pointed out today that they need their solar panels cleaned because its costing them money with the feed in tariff. So I'm doing it for a ton as soon as possible. I cleared a back gutter today an extra score which took 10mins with ladder. I have to cut a two 10 feet trees which are 600mm thick because they have been cut many times before, £200 but includes gutters getting cleared, 20mins with Vac. Going back out to clean windows and fit a plastic vent above window opening, a tenner. Because I interact and tell my customers I can do other small stuff if needed so they ask me first. One has got to be proactive or the work can't find you. You only get what you put in, in this job so it's up to us to create work and then the momentum will continue. fwiw
I agree. I clean everything,from UpVc all round to gutter clearing,patio and driveway cleans,and even garden maintenance. This keeps me busy all year round.
I agree. I clean everything,from UpVc all round to gutter clearing,patio and driveway cleans,and even garden maintenance. This keeps me busy all year round.

The problem I've found is the longer I've been in business the more window cleaning I've picked up is that all the other add on jobs I don't have time for anymore (or find them a hassle/harder work) so I just offer window cleaning virtually exclusively now with only the odd UPVC/conny roof cleans here and there with existing equipment.this makes my working days easier,more predictable and more enjoyable.
One thing iv learned is that anyone who boasts online about their earnings /the big amount of plum jobs they are doing is somebody whose actually doing very little,and earning a pittance -if anything .