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being watched on cctv


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Why?it's very handy for catching all sorts of criminals.in fact the police rely on it most of the time..

Only cameras I hate are speed cameras on the motorway.they should be banned!😡
It's symptomatic of a society that has little to no moral compass and as a result a world where no one trusts anyone. It doesn't have to be like that but that's what we've become as a nation by abandoning Christian values (imho).
If a customer of mine did that they’d be dropped immediately, can’t be done with customers assuming I’ll be dishonest, just don’t need them.
@Beeejayteee me too mate. I have no issues with CCTV on people's homes. As someone else said it's just a symptom of modern life now. But making the cameras follow you around is a no in my book.
Well you learn something new every day. :) I thought even on private property you HAD to display signage. Obviously I'm wrong. I never really though of it as a protection either, but that makes sense. Thank you.
i honestly dont mind as im only there for 5 minutes. maybe too quick lol Hes sometimes in the house sat in a chair where i can see him. Its probably a gadget he likes to use to its full potential. It dosent bother me as much now. Just wasnt expecting it to be used to watch me. i usually play on it by moving to the right then when it pans round ill move to the left. visa versa . ill wave when leaving so he knows i know hes watching .
if i didnt get on with them i probably would dump.
its always a backup if i need to verify my whereabouts if something happens anywhere.