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Gutter leaking worse after cleaning


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I can't bring myself to glunge a custy's gutter...since no guttering manufacturer (that I know of) recommend it as a preferable permanent fix, instead 100% of UPVC guttering I've ever touched is specifically designed for use with gaskets. Gaskets are cheap 50-80p come in a few different sizes and almost always can be fitted no matter the make...why 'BODGE' when you can FIX it ?

I've started warning custy if it's a leaky gasket it will need replacing and given the age of their upvc there's a small risk the pressure clips may have become brittle and 'fail' (aka 'Snap' - but sounds less like you've caused it) when join is opened?

Thanks everyone for all the advice given so far it’s really appreciated - I went today and knocked on the bottom of the pipe and it sounded hollow so likely isn’t blocked solid - the drain at the bottom is not something I have seen before (includes a couple pics ) - it has another square cover near it which I think may offer some kind if access to the main drain - the downpipe is so flush it can’t be removed to give me access - also it’s 50mm sides (couldn’t find any 50mm socket adapters for downpipes in screwfix / travis so maybe need to go to a specialist) 


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I had a job a couple of months back on a new build three storey house, similar gutter downpipe to this one. Blockage was quite close to the top, I ended up getting it out by by switching the crevice tool fitting that goes into the silicone hose and replacing it with a 1.3 meter section of alloy gutter pole, it slotted completely down the downpipe and latched onto the blockage.. You could try that with either a gutter pole or a section of narrower downpipe attached to your gutter pole..

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I had a job a couple of months back on a new build three storey house, similar gutter downpipe to this one. Blockage was quite close to the top, I ended up getting it out by by switching the crevice tool fitting that goes into the silicone hose and replacing it with a 1.3 meter section of alloy gutter pole, it slotted completely down the downpipe and latched onto the blockage.. You could try that with either a gutter pole of a section of narrower downpipe attached to your gutter pole..
This has just reminded me, we did one a few years back where the middle joint on the downpipe was secured with a large screw which allowed leaves etc to build up and block it half way up. Can you check further up or try and hear if the water is running down the downpipe.

I had a job a couple of months back on a new build three storey house, similar gutter downpipe to this one. Blockage was quite close to the top, I ended up getting it out by by switching the crevice tool fitting that goes into the silicone hose and replacing it with a 1.3 meter section of alloy gutter pole, it slotted completely down the downpipe and latched onto the blockage.. You could try that with either a gutter pole or a section of narrower downpipe attached to your gutter pole..
Yeah I got a nice narrow down pipe adapter that was made by @Pjj so I’ll give that one a try 

Did the job this morning - it was wet and the drain was full of water so decided to attempt some work on this. Managed to prise open the grid on the drain next to the downpipe drain (pic included) this was full of old plastic cups, large rocks and mud, dug that put with my hands and then vac’d our a load of mud and water - lots of water then came out from the downpipe - after a while and lots of muck being vac’d up this revealed access to the downpipe drain. I put a hose up the top and it flowed great ? I checked the drain was clear by running water for 5mins. 

Next i vac’d out a load of moss and thick silty mud. Same on the back gutter and downpipe was also quite blocked. I explained to customer that the gutters and down pipes were now clear which would take a lot of pressure off the leaky joints - but also they would still benefit from being replaced and likely still leak during heavy rain (they weren’t leakin during the light rain I had during the job).

Customer was happy and I showed the debri removed. Going back to softwash the walls early next year.



?Nice one DeLa - now you've got that experience for future reference,  the old 'drain/soakaway blocked leading to leaking downpipe' chestnut crops once or twice a year... never a pleasant job when it does - as you now know, quite literally first hand?
