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Help needed - pump cutting out


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Does anyone have any recommendations what this problem could be please:

I have just set up a brand new system and the pump keeps cutting in and out when connected to the hose.

I have a small pipe that connects from the pump to the hose and when I take this off the water runs fine and the pump doesn’t cut out but as soon as I connect it to the hose reel it keeps cutting in and out with a small amount of water coming out the end.

I appreciate any help.

Many thanks
It says DE. What does this mean? Thank you
It means Dead End, this normally happens when you shut off the water to your pole, i.e unplug the rectus fitting, switch off a tap on your pole hose or close a univalve. First thing to do is calibrate the controller so it knows when water is shut off.

Have you tried reading the manual as it sounds like you have a Spring Controller (rebranded by many companies).
Here is the youtube video on calibrating the controller (the V16 versions but Springs youtube channel shows the other versions):