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Help with my squeegee rubber


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Only ever used Unger soft in a modded Unger channel, always had good results. Might give the Unger 3 star rubber a go when I next need to order. Anyone on here used the 3 star rubber? Is it worth the extra?

Only ever used Unger soft in a modded Unger channel, always had good results. Might give the Unger 3 star rubber a go when I next need to order. Anyone on here used the 3 star rubber? Is it worth the extra?
i haven't heard of many using 3 star rubber

I've used pulex for as long as I can remember. As green says it's cheap and lasts ages. Usually get at least 2 weeks out of a blade then cut it down for a smaller squeezy. Recycling at its best.

Over here 3 star is very popular, its suits our climate and can be used winter and summer, like razr. My small experince with unger channels is the 3 star last longer than the soft.

I've used pulex for as long as I can remember. As green says it's cheap and lasts ages. Usually get at least 2 weeks out of a blade then cut it down for a smaller squeezy. Recycling at its best.
I used to cut mine down several times as the big edge never wears..only the corners

I have been known to use the same rubber in a 18..14..12 and then 10 before chucking it

ive tryed loads of rubber but i keep going bk to the old fatfull (ettore)

pulex hard , very good

pulex soft, naff

unger soft, good

razer,1st batch was good second naff

lewi,only last a morning on the shops naff

mormon soft,ok but only last 3 mornings on the shops

black dimond , ok but i found they left lines after 1 morning on the shops

ide like to try the syr rubbers not shore how good they r

and the sorbo rubbers but u need to udse there channels i use the unger green handle squeegee .

one thing i have took a liking to is the hard rubbers i find the salt dont destroy them so quick

I used syr for years from a local shop

Good rubber but i could get knicks in them daily sometimes especially with leadeds

I use razr and have had the same bit on my wag for about 4 months

Granted i only trad now and then butbefore i went wfp i could use 1 piece for a month or more in a liquidator channel which is known to eat rubber
