Hey everyone so I'm taking the plunge and going to start my own window cleaning round. I've no customers yet and here is where the advice help comes in. I made a boo boo and put out some leaflets, I got 1 call but at the time I didn't have any equipment!
I arranged a day with him thinking I can just buy a pole to start out but when I got back home with the pole I found out it was too short! Deflated I couldn't face phoning him up and so lost my first potential customer! Doh!
So anyway I ordered some ladders and I have them now, I think I pretty much have everything I need now, just gotta get a sSwear word!er.
One problem is (please don't laugh) I don't drive and so will be carrying my ladders (might be getting a friend on board who does drive but his heart isn't in it).
I've decided tomorrow is the day I make my first doorknock! I'm a bit worried about it and need a little encouragement from you fine chaps/ladies. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have done windows before but it was working for someone else some years ago, he had brass balls to be honest and didn't care about knocking for work etc.
Any way I look forward to hearing from you all and hope I can contribute to this great site, I've been lerking the past week sucking up all the useful tips I can.
Oh one more thing, I met a old chap a few weeks ago and we got chatting (I'd just moved to the area and asked him for directions). So the other day I saw him and asked if he had a cleaner and told him what I planned to do. He said he does have one but doesn't like him! I said oh, well then I'd be more than happy to take over (was this wrong?). He said he'd speak to his wife and so a couple days later I went to give him my flyer. I spoke to his wife and she said that the guy had not done her windows but she had paid him! She said that she would wait till he comes round next and tell him he's not needed anymore, she also mentioned she knows 2 others that are not happy with their cleaner. I'm just starting out and I don't really want to step on toes and have all the cleaners in the area after me! lol Thoughts?
Sorry for my epic long post. Thank you if you got this far. /emoticons/smile.png
So anyway I ordered some ladders and I have them now, I think I pretty much have everything I need now, just gotta get a sSwear word!er.
One problem is (please don't laugh) I don't drive and so will be carrying my ladders (might be getting a friend on board who does drive but his heart isn't in it).
I've decided tomorrow is the day I make my first doorknock! I'm a bit worried about it and need a little encouragement from you fine chaps/ladies. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have done windows before but it was working for someone else some years ago, he had brass balls to be honest and didn't care about knocking for work etc.
Any way I look forward to hearing from you all and hope I can contribute to this great site, I've been lerking the past week sucking up all the useful tips I can.
Oh one more thing, I met a old chap a few weeks ago and we got chatting (I'd just moved to the area and asked him for directions). So the other day I saw him and asked if he had a cleaner and told him what I planned to do. He said he does have one but doesn't like him! I said oh, well then I'd be more than happy to take over (was this wrong?). He said he'd speak to his wife and so a couple days later I went to give him my flyer. I spoke to his wife and she said that the guy had not done her windows but she had paid him! She said that she would wait till he comes round next and tell him he's not needed anymore, she also mentioned she knows 2 others that are not happy with their cleaner. I'm just starting out and I don't really want to step on toes and have all the cleaners in the area after me! lol Thoughts?
Sorry for my epic long post. Thank you if you got this far. /emoticons/smile.png