Yes there is if your low RO output is still not good enough to dry without spotting (see my quoted post below).With these ppm figures being quoted, is there any point in polishing a ro output with a di?
What tds reading you can clean with is different for different parts of the country / world.
TDS only tells you the level of dissolved contaminants - not what they are. And since some contaminants cause spotting, whilst others don't, it varies.
The people who get spotting at a low TDS, probably have a larger percentage of calcium or magnesium in their dissolved solids, than those people who can get away with a higher TDS without spotting. So, it doesn't matter what anyone else can use, unless they are your next door neighbour.
Also, the lower the TDS, the more effective the water is at actually cleaning... Water wants to disolve stuff. There are technical reasons for this, but if you want to prove it to yourself.
Add a couple of dissolvable headache tables into a small glass of tap water. OK your 2 tablets have dissolved in the glass of water, and did so quite quickly. Now, add 2 more to the same glass and see what happens. Depending on the tablets, the water quantity and quality, the next two may or may not have dissolved completly, and they certainly took longer to dissolve. The less things already dissolved in the water, the 'quicker' the water will dissove/absorb more into it. They also dissolve until the water is saturated with disolveable matter and cannot take any more.
The same with pure water and window cleaning. Pure water with a low TDS (Total Dissolveable Solids) cleans dirt off the glass faster than water with a higher level of TDS (already dissolved solid matter), just as the tables did in the glass of tap water. i.e. water with a TDS of 000 will dissolve / clean more dirt and faster than water with a higher TDS level as it has less matter/solids already in the water.
Want more proof?
2 small glasses of water of the same quantity - 1 tap water and 1 000 TDS water. Add 2 headache tables into each glass at exactly the same time - which one dissolved faster?