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Hos Annoyed By Poo Whilst Working?


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Bit of a moan really..

Im sick of working down streets and constantly having to dodge dog/cat poo..sometimes you get it on your pipe..

There is nothing more of putting than working with that..

This is why i use my trolley system. Probably stood in poo, 3 or 4 times in like 10 years.

I have certain areas..not a lot..that a large amount of cats live in, sometimes its hidden in leaves..how many houses can you do with a trolley? i have a 600 ltr in the back of my berlingo

18L does me for most houses.

So I have to fill up after each house.

The time I loose in filling up, is the same as messing around with winding in hoses etc

I am making my trolley now though. Based on a 25L but I have gone for weight saving.

So I have a few weight saving ideas. Really looking forward to it.

My van has a 350 tank and JUST does me a day. Other vans are 650s

i always bring my hose in with a micro fibre cloth. one time i brought it in and got cat ***** on my hands. it made me physically sick. even had it on the wheel on my trolly and i didnt know bout it. put the trolly in the back of the car and while driving along thought i stood in sumthing and the smell got on the carpet for days. :angry: now i carry detol in a spray bottle and wipes to wipe my hands and face after each clean.

Nothing worse than going in a garden therer is dog sh*t every where I got it on my pipe and wheels the other week was hiden under some leave maks me want to cancell them people then

Yeh Damo, the tank i have says 600 ltr on it but u can squeeze another 50 in it, the tank fits in with not a mm each side to spare..Its all nice and compact /emoticons/smile.png ..JDMW, hahaha :lol: ..thats funny that..I use a cloth everytime i reel in also, i also do my pole hose aswell..ive done similar things regarding dog poo, if u smear it along the pipe and dont realise till its too late its a nightmare to get rid of the smell..driving around on a hot summers day with sh%t wafting in the cab of the van is not how i imagined window cleaning would be when i first started out..hahaha.. :lol: It can be a dirty job sometimes but when i think about standing on a production line for 40+ hours a week..i`d choose cat ***** any day /emoticons/happy.png

Nothing worse than going in a garden therer is dog sh*t every where I got it on my pipe and wheels the other week was hiden under some leave maks me want to cancell them people then
Yeh..its disgusting, but i have learnt to really inspect the floor before i start moving around with gear..i still get caught out from time to time but not as much as when i 1st started out..i sometimes drop a polite hint to them like "I couldnt do the back because of the poo"..make them feel embarrased..it works B)
Yeh Damo..thats what I do..i open the gate..take one look at the mess and think SACK IT! But heh your down a back alley or on the street..what do you do if your in my situation? I hang it on walls, and alsorts just to dodge it

Ive stood in it loads of times, had to knock on a strangers door once for tissue /emoticons/mellow.png she goes y ? I go to her dog **** /emoticons/mellow.png lmaooo and theirs 1 house with like dog poo all over the backgarden its not jus a bit its like all over very dirty /emoticons/mellow.png so i only clean his fronts now which is more money in less time for me /emoticons/smile.png

Theirs a few houses where i just gotta dodge it and be careful lol

cat sh!t is worse than dogs. dogs goes away with some detol and a few other cleaning things. cat just lingers for weeks. i dont mind it on cold days coz its frozen solid.

Ive stood in it loads of times, had to knock on a strangers door once for tissue /emoticons/mellow.png she goes y ? I go to her dog **** /emoticons/mellow.png lmaooo and theirs 1 house with like dog poo all over the backgarden its not jus a bit its like all over very dirty /emoticons/mellow.png so i only clean his fronts now which is more money in less time for me /emoticons/smile.png
Theirs a few houses where i just gotta dodge it and be careful lol
They just cant be bothered doing it..i like pets..but not the mess they make..thats why i dont have any..I have some customers who when i do the front they go in the back yard and clean it up and quickly bleach it before i get to the back..proper customers them..how it should be
cat sh!t is worse than dogs. dogs goes away with some detol and a few other cleaning things. cat just lingers for weeks. i dont mind it on cold days coz its frozen solid.
Ya not wrong there pal..it stinks..its like they have grades in smell..bird poo, dog poo, cat poo..minging!
I guess this is one of the reasons I choose to wear my backpack. It holds 16 liters. If their yard is a mess I tuck my excess pole hose in my belt and watch my step.

I guess this is one of the reasons I choose to wear my backpack. It holds 16 liters. If their yard is a mess I tuck my excess pole hose in my belt and watch my step.
No known as the Poo Pack :lol: I had one of them once but ended up puling my back so got rid..

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