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Hose Reel And Backpack Combo


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When I dont want to carry the backpack around I attach my hose, Handy if I need to jump over gates or feel tired. It was easy to make as I used 60 feet metres of microbore onto an old hozelok reel and male connector to the backpack and a female connector to the pole. Just gives that extra flexibility.

View attachment 790

Looks good. If you connected a on & off tap at the end of your pole you wouldn't even need to take the backpack out the van. 60 metres is like just under 200 feet.

ive had this idea for some time now, i want to leave one in car boot, focus estate, or back seat in a box to collect any drips, with an extended hose to add to pole when near vehicle. good job. get the 22 litre one from wcw, saves filling.

Just watch the pump, with that length of hose you could burn the pump out, the backpack pumps are not designed to pump water through that length of hose, that's why they are on a backpack!

swas im getting the new 22ltr wcw backpack this week mate i wil lreview it when i used it etc

swas im getting the new 22ltr wcw backpack this week mate i wil lreview it when i used it etc
be like carrying the weight of a 25lt barrel on ur back when full in not a little more! lol

ye i know /emoticons/smile.png but i wont fill it up much /emoticons/tongue.png just about 15 litres.... ill just be carrying it by the handle on odd jobs mate

ye i know /emoticons/smile.png but i wont fill it up much /emoticons/tongue.png just about 15 litres.... ill just be carrying it by the handle on odd jobs mate
So if your not going to fill it up, why get the 22lt one then? Lol

hmm thats what i was thinking /emoticons/wacko.png but wont the new backpack be more stronger ? adoubt it ? lol

ha ha ha, stick it on a little trolley harunh, you big bad boy. keep us imformed we cant wait , :lol: :lol:

Have to turn the power up to half way but didnt think about the pump burning out. didnt think there be a problem as there isnt any resistance till it goes up the pole

Have to turn the power up to half way but didnt think about the pump burning out. didnt think there be a problem as there isnt any resistance till it goes up the pole
wont burn out there and then, it would take time, it just puts pressure on the pump.

The big boy 22 l looks good, I would of got that if it was out but needed a backpack and couldnt wait. Probably get another one in the springtime.
