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How long do poles last!!!!!


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Tattooed window cleaner

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Long time since on here.quick question.how long do poles last,i got cheap n cheerful f/glass 30ft pole,I know it depends on quality and don't want to start a bragging war of which is best and who got what,I don't really care lol

Mine shot n needs replacing after 3 month(£150 cost)

I use 5 days upto full extend around 6 hours cleaning

Just picking ya brains/comments

The main issues with any make wfp can be clamp failure and sections spinning but one supplier has come up with a new clamp. Mentioning no names but I'm sure you know who I'm on about /emoticons/biggrin.png

Nah,only broke one clamp,that was first week,it where the alloy cone is fitted to the brush/pole section and the first clamp section wearing the pole out n spinning.i just cut 3" off end n refit,once a fortnight tho lol

Best get me wallet out n get a quality one then

So your 30ft pole is I'm guessing now 18ft /emoticons/biggrin.png

Yep might be best to treat yourself to a decent pole bud as I'm sure @Alex Gardiner will be happy to advise you further. /emoticons/wink.png

Lmao yep,fink it now 27 ft lol

I will be treating myself to a new one.i want to steer clear of carbon,I 6 3 n 16st n not so gentle with stuff tho,so a light weight will get broke

unless quite indestructible /emoticons/smile.png

Lmao yep,fink it now 27 ft lolI will be treating myself to a new one.i want to steer clear of carbon,I 6 3 n 16st n not so gentle with stuff tho,so a light weight will get broke

unless quite indestructible /emoticons/smile.png
Tatts, dont worry about carbon poles being too delicate, if you look after them like smurf says they last ages.

Has your pole at the mo got lateral clamps or vertical? Only asking to be nosey and what you prefer

Best maintenance is strip and clean a couple of times a month especially in winter, its that gritty feel i hate

And clear coat or lacquer them a few times a year, sounds like a pain but i can strip and clean mine in minutes, then if clear coat is needed then add another 10 mins and leave to dry over night and reassemble in the morning before work

Vertical clamps n cheers for advice,

I gun av shop around as my round I really need a 30ft.

I never thawt o stripping it down n re laquering.learn something new every day lol

keir was on you tube earlier this guy was laquering his pole when they started to wear to stop the clamps from spinning

two or three times whats your thoughts

Yeah duncs, it works a treat, get it done. Its not hard at all just do several light coats to prevent drips

Tatts.....if you are used to vertical clamps i'd recommend facelift poles, they do require the maintenance i mentioned earlier but they are excellent. I think the bigger you go the more robust they get, i was talking to a mate who has a 50 footer or something like that, its huge and weighed a ton even though full carbon but he has used it for years and had nothing go wrong or wear what so ever

I used a make called U pol, had some left over from re doing some carbon parts on my motorbike, but i got that from a paint shop

But if you go to halfords or your local asian car parts shop, any clear coat or lacquer will do, they are the same in the end.

Cheers keir,a facelift was on my looky list.i'll av a butchers n see what's what,defo good advice on laquering tho,mine 3 month old n looks like it been sanded /emoticons/smile.png

I used a make called U pol, had some left over from re doing some carbon parts on my motorbike, but i got that from a paint shop
But if you go to halfords or your local asian car parts shop, any clear coat or lacquer will do, they are the same in the end.
got the lacquer from halfords tonight coated all the sections , had clamp spinning gave the section few coats

job done clamp repaired jobs a good one!! very nice too

Nice one duncs, easy innit lol

You might need to do another few coats in a week or so if it was spinning bad, could you see any wear? Or had it only just started to spin?

I left mine way too long so had alot of wear and had to build it back up with araldite, sand it back to original diameter then lacquered it

I just replaces the 3rd section on my gardiner slx 27 & in May next year it will be 9 years old. Made me think u might aswell keep em going forever as u can keep replacing sections. Anyone else do the same?
I just replaces the 3rd section on my gardiner slx 27 & in May next year it will be 9 years old. Made me think u might aswell keep em going forever as u can keep replacing sections. Anyone else do the same?
This is a no brainer and why I say buy a pole that does most of your daily jobs and buy an extension for the rest.
We also carry 2 old spare Xtreme 25's, a spare old SLX35 and a new Xtreme section 1 and 2 on our travels.
Would have to be a nightmare 5 day trip to run out of spare sections as I can't believe sections 4 through 7 will snap very often.