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How to reach these windows???


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Hi All,

i've been to quote for a job with some tricky windows to reach. 1st floor windows are inset a bit, though a goose neck on the pole should deal with that.

Just a bit stumped how to get to the higher 2nd floor windows?

Any ideas??View attachment 8451

Thats the work of the devil ! :devil:

Had a tricky myself today , guess i Would put the ladder up s bit maybe in the gutter and clean from there (every side of the window). Did that today on my own custy:thumbsup: awful design ...

4 Metre goose neck, just not sure where to buy one!

What a really really silly design! they must be reversible windows if not then the architect needs a slap.

doing them from the inside would be a pain as custmer would have to be on:rolleyes: ide use a ladder with a microlite standoff on the roof tiles then wfp from there so a standerd 22ft or even 18 ft would be more than anouth /emoticons/biggrin.png

Pitch ladder from the floor so it runs on the roof bit like a roof ladder....van side on to ladder and brace foot of ladder against a wheel.

Some windows are inaccessible, personally wouldnt bother getting ladders off for that, waggling pole at top of ladder with two hands, you are supposed to have three points of contact on ladder, im sure. Pride is before a crash, not worth dying for. Just dont buy a house like that.

Maybe they won't expect them done, had similar issue last week and felt a tad bad having to say the third floor awkward ones can't be safely got at.

They said, oh God no we didn't expect you to try cleaning those ones. So ya never know.
