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How will El Niño effect us this year?


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You do realise that 75% of engine wear occurs during warm up!
While it's good to run a vehicle every so often adding start cycles will cause excessive wear on the engine as the oil has drained back to sump and is cold and thick so not pumped round to protect components as well as nice warm thin oil.
When I was on the rigs. Shell paid for a driller and assistant to send the kelly up and down for 30mins and then they had an hour break. I thought what a waste of money and someone told me why. Shell abandoned the derrick when working on the other one and when they went back it had seized. This cost them millions to fix and lost production. My mate a gas engineer was telling me his boiler has not broken down in 25 years. I asked why and he told me it runs everyday. I run my heating for 15mins everyday so the pump gets turned over. When the combi boiler is providing hot water people think the pump is working but it isn't. The pump only works when the central heating is on. In October folk turn on their central heating after leaving it off for 3 months so that's the reason 80% of breakdowns are in Autumn. A VW Golf diesel engine completed a million miles without much going wrong. The diesel engine is the most reliable engine in the world for torque that's the reason farming and construction use them. I think the answer is bio diesel and bio ethanol rather than electric but we will find out in the fullness of time. ?