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How will El Niño effect us this year?


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South wales
El Niño is a weather cycle that happens every so many years, it is the reason we had a poor summer and was wondering how it could affect this winter. For those who can remember 2010 that was an El Niño winter and found this quote, “We had an El Niño event in 2010, and although the phenomenon was relatively small, the impact in the UK was pretty severe. If you remember, Britain was brought to a complete standstill with weeks of ice and snow and an average December temperature of -10c, the lowest since records began!”
I Don’t want to sound like the Dail Mail but it may be worth considering in your planning for this winter.
I read part of an article this morning that waffled on far too much it also said that across Europe it's harder to predict because between us and America a lot can change to weaken the effect,

I don't think it's us that need to prepare it's the idiots who should stay at home who don't have a clue how to drive in winter conditions and are too lazy to collectively clear their own street of snow, if this actually happened we'd get out to work and back easily without risking getting stuck anywhere.
That was the year I emigrated to Australia, went from -17 in Manchester to another extreme of working +40 in OZ.

If it happens this year I have hot water I can switch on, I can also remove my full system/electric reel in 10 mins and take it indoors....

Once it goes cold this year I won't use fan jets the mist freezes up too fast I will switch over to pencil jets.

Probably just carry on as normal...
I remember the winters of 2009 and 2010 I think there was about a month where I couldn't work. It was getting down to -15°c regularly. Hope that doesn't come back.
Your memory is about as good as mine ? it was 2010 into 2011 I only remember because in the Summer of 2011 I bought 12 month old Mitsubishi L200 on a 60 plate as it was a nightmare getting in and out of the rural village we lived in you wouldn't see a gritter till midday.

Were we live now is worse to get out of got to go up a hill and down a fairly big one to get out which ever way I might want to go, I don't fancy getting stuck or sliding down a hill with a full tank
Your memory is about as good as mine ? it was 2010 into 2011 I only remember because in the Summer of 2011 I bought 12 month old Mitsubishi L200 on a 60 plate as it was a nightmare getting in and out of the rural village we lived in you wouldn't see a gritter till midday.

Were we live now is worse to get out of got to go up a hill and down a fairly big one to get out which ever way I might want to go, I don't fancy getting stuck or sliding down a hill with a full tank

2010 and 2011 was pretty bad back down in South Yorkshire where we were living. And visit the inlaws in Marske the estate roads were 3inches if compacted snow turned to sheet I've that lasted nearly a week and that's unusual for this coastal village.

I remember just finishing in Mansfield and getting back along the night this happened 2010- couldn't believe they had to get Mountain Rescue on the A57 and it wasn't on the Snake Pass stretch just flat stretch to Worksop!

I was 15 at the time and lived in Sheffield, we went on a family holiday to Lanzarote - flew from Manchester. Our flight was the only flight to depart from Manchester airport for 3 days, when we came home we couldn't land in Manchester and had to land in Liverpool
Your memory is about as good as mine ? it was 2010 into 2011 I only remember because in the Summer of 2011 I bought 12 month old Mitsubishi L200 on a 60 plate as it was a nightmare getting in and out of the rural village we lived in you wouldn't see a gritter till midday.
I've never been known for the reliability of my memory so I'll happily take your word for it ?
2010 and 2011 was pretty bad back down in South Yorkshire where we were living. And visit the inlaws in Marske the estate roads were 3inches if compacted snow turned to sheet I've that lasted nearly a week and that's unusual for this coastal village.

I remember just finishing in Mansfield and getting back along the night this happened 2010- couldn't believe they had to get Mountain Rescue on the A57 and it wasn't on the Snake Pass stretch just flat stretch to Worksop!

I think the biggest issue we had that winter was the continuing freezing temps over 2-3 dropping to -16c sometimes and as you said compacted snow turning to ice no one makes it any easier by not getting out and clearing the freshly laid snow on estate roads which is the best thing to do,

We've had bad winters before and since then and coped, I remember one year no idea which year my wife and I hadn't been married too long and we booked a cottage in the lakes the A66 was shut because of heavy snow now you know it's bad if that road gets shut I said we'll just go the back roads it will be fine the snow drifts were about 6ft high :ROFLMAO: but we got there in one piece without any incidents and we have both driven through just as bad conditions since.
If it did get as bad as 2010-2011 with deep snow I'd just have the time off.i had an emergency fund back then too but now its a hell of a lot larger!?

The real problem with ice and snow is crashing the van with half a ton of water in the back.its just not worth it!

The amount of window cleaners that were moaning and panicking on CIU was unbelievable!
Never live hand to mouth once your up and running.

Get at least 6 months bill money behind you at any one time ready to spring into action if the need arises.even if it takes you 5 years to save it up its a fantastic feeling to know that youll be fine financially if the worst happens...?
Seems like a load of soft, shandy drinking northerners on here.
Down in the south east we just put on our boots and cracked on ??
I was trad back then and worked all through it even the snow blizzards lol
Plus I earned extra money as was driving round west London at night in a grit lorry for a friend doing Royal Mail and Sainsburys car parks earning a couple hundred a night
I thought last year was worst in ages, never had it where it gets to 11ish & pole still freezing despite heaters in van.. wonderful whether to get cheap hot water like squeaky dave done?

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