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I cleaned like normal, but it isn't clean?!


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Matthew Phillips

Well-known member
Hi guys, today I done a shop front for a friend for the first time. She has got rid of her last window cleaner (Traditional) because he was talking about her to her staff and so.....I'm in.

Not sure if this is relevant but it's a beauticians.

I cleaned the windows outside, as normal and done the inside with some e-clothes as I don't do inside's normally and I tend to get mirrors and the insides of my own home to perfection with them.

However, there where marks still coming through after I had finished. I wiped the marks away clear and then they sort of came back through, like it was a chemical on the glass just waiting to bounce back. I walked away very disappointed with my work, I'll be back there in 3 weeks to do them again and just wondered if any of you have ever come across this. Could it be a chemical in the air from the beauty stuff going on it there or is there something I can put on the glass to clean them up proper, I was thinking of doing a white spirit clean down on them and hopefully after that they'd be OK. Plenty of elbow grease from me first thing morning and I can't figure it out.

Thank you for any help,


If it's around the edges then it could be faint traces of silicone sealant from when the window was fitted. This has a similar effect to what you describe.

learn to trad mate it will be so much easier for you, I honestly think that all window cleaners should be able to trad

if you trad it and it is still covered in smears i would get microfibre cloth and dry wipe hole window lifting any grease then trad again

That's the problem nowadaysPeople don't know how to trad coz they go straight into wfp.

It's good to know trad
I did laugh the one time. I was driving past a house and a kid I know who is WFP was cleaning the insides of a house with one of these internal kits.

In fact I have no respect for any WFP'er who can't mop and blade!

It could be residue from signs and stickers as its a business -try solvent cleaner

But... You can't use a squeege ? Chuff me get the other guy back

I would trad it with a dash of ubik in the water to cut through whatever it is on the glass

That's the problem nowadaysPeople don't know how to trad coz they go straight into wfp.

It's good to know trad
I think only being able to wfp is like being a mechanic who can't use spanners only air tools or a decorator who can't use a brush only a roller

You need to be able to use whichever method is needed depending on the job

What happens when the pump or something goes tits up and you can't work until the new one arrives because you can't use a ladder or a squeegee?

I know at least i will still be working until it arrived

If you cant trad then your not a real window cleaner as Daveyboy said we will still be earning while you are still waiting

I do a beauticians aswell and never have any bother, they do the nails right beside the windows aswell

You couldn't be serious :wasntme:
Yep! I have actually stopped doing insides now as it takes far to long compared to outside cleans. I have a dozen or so on my round that i'll continue with as they are easy and priced well & it's those that i use the vac with.

learn to trad this way you can earn less money and moan about all the wfp guys earning more then you

learn to trad this way you can earn less money and moan about all the wfp guys earning more then you
No mate

Learn to trad & wfp & earn more

And I certainly don't moan about wfp guys earning more then me.

In fact I couldn't care a less how much they earn.

Long as No1s ok I'm not bothered about the earnings of others

We're just saying if you can do both you can do more.

And we don't slag wfp off.

To be honest it's usually the other way round but no one slags it we discuss it

Insides are worse than outsides to clean...the sort of dirt you get on the outsides (leaf muck, cobwebs, dust, insect/bird droppings) wash away without too much resistance...stuff on the insides (cooking fat, hairspray, soap residue, cosmetic chemicals) can be tough to shift...if the insides are really bad I might put the Porcupine sleeve on and consider a spray bottle of diluted Virosol prior to soaping up.
