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Ibc tank


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johnny bravo

Well-known member
well hopefully getting an ibc tank friday, a bit nervous as my mrs dosent know yet, darent tell her.

ill need to get it over the back fence, 6 foot high.

hopefully get it early while shes still in bed.

get it hidden in a corner , untill she gets used to it

are they heavy when empty.

i dont think it will fit into gate at rear garden.

do they lift out of there cage.

I have both types and the metal base one is much heavier. Don't attempt to lift that on your own over a fence as I struggle by myself even after I stripped it down as much as I could.

Those ibc tanks are 60kg. You can't really lift them on your own, very akward. When i picked mine up I took a mate who help me load it into trailer and then into my garage. If you going to lift it over 6ft fence you might need team of 4, 2 each side. You don't want to drop it and split it lol

I can’t see the pic as is much too small.

With all the ones I have to take the tank out of the cage you just need to unbolt and remove the straps on the top of the cage. Then turn it on its side and pull the tank out. The metal base ones you can unbolt and remove the heavy gauge pressed steel underneath it too but is still too heavy and awkward to lift over yourself as I found out.
