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If only tricast did poles!!!!


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If your big into fishing like me you will no what I'm on about

I own a tricast trilogy 16metre pole it's made from the highest grade carbon they use on aerospace parts cost me £2500

It's as straight as a arrow and the strength is unreal

I know it's off topic but do you think any off the big fishing companies will start producing wfp?????

Widow Cleaners were using Carbon Fishing Poles such as Ron Thompson (Zensorflex...Gangster) Poles as WFP's years ago.

Even Mr. Alex Gardiner bought and modified a Carbon Fishing Pole for his dad to use as a WFP.....which led to Alex developing the Carbon Super-Lite range of poles.

16mtr £2500. WOW your into fishing. Imagine how much a 25ft WFP would cost. I am guessing a fishing rod is way thinner than a WFP. They don't have anything on the end. If you put a brush on the end, how much would it bend?

Fishing pole sections taper towards the tip

The bottom sections are very stiff and strong

They don't flex like fishing rods as all the shock absorption comes from the elastic in the tip sectons

Many users found modular carbon wfp were a pain in the arse to keep having to put them together and split down. That is the main reason why most wfp’s are telescopic now for speed of use unlike modular poles that could also get damaged easily.

cheap poles flex towards the tip, top of the range poles have a progressive action all the way throught the pole!my pole bends double!hence the price tag!maver have a reglass technology and I no Phil might have to put it to him as I'm sure they could produce pole cheaper due to the massive demand for there poles!

Only reason ever time I go fishing I think to myself if only my wfp felt as light and as good as this

Widow Cleaners were using Carbon Fishing Poles such as Ron Thompson (Zensorflex...Gangster) Poles as WFP's years ago.
Even Mr. Alex Gardiner bought and modified a Carbon Fishing Pole for his dad to use as a WFP.....which led to Alex developing the Carbon Super-Lite range of poles.
Ron Thompson and the other poles are total budget poles even being 11m they probably similar grade carbon to most top end poles

Many users found modular carbon wfp were a pain in the arse to keep having to put them together and split down. That is the main reason why most wfp’s are telescopic now for speed of use unlike modular poles that could also get damaged easily.
/emoticons/smile.png Ended up leaving them half assembled and stored in the van that way. I could never assemble them quickly like my son could. But they were light and rigid and got us weaned of Unger Teleplus Ali poles with oval Vikans..

Still got a set in the garage and I still have a modified new Bentley brush somewhere. We used to trim the center bristles shorter to make a flocked dual trim brush. Those were the days.

Thank goodness that Alex brought telescopic carbon fiber poles to the masses and some decent light weight cleaning brushes.

If your big into fishing like me you will no what I'm on aboutI own a tricast trilogy 16metre pole it's made from the highest grade carbon they use on aerospace parts cost me £2500

It's as straight as a arrow and the strength is unreal

I know it's off topic but do you think any off the big fishing companies will start producing wfp?????
hi m8 im in to fishing i have a map parabolix sti 16m im jell lol ide luv to own a triligy very nce pole indeed

hi m8 im in to fishing i have a map parabolix sti 16m im jell lol ide luv to own a triligy very nce pole indeed
Let's say I got a awesome deal on it!i have a maver elite carp as well coz most of my venues are larford and the likes and scared to death to use it lol.were u fish?

how do u find the elite carp is it stiff an lite? im from devon tghe fisherys arnt any thing like larford there is a few good places but not in the same lege as that place:(

Yes mate I must say larford is my fav venue you just never no what your gunna catch specially on the speci!!it always throws up,something special.the elite carp mate I can not fault at all it's really is good as poles double the price.its super stiff and strong as hell put it this way I use red hydro and 11lb straight through for my margin rig on the speci and landed a carp last summer 28lb never creaked!!!that setup seems extreme but remember one instance using that setup and had 5 fish on the row snap me like I was using cotton lol

If u ever have trip up let me no mate

i will do bud i live for my fishing the best lakes we have r stafford moor,bake lakes there r some luvly little farm poos but there small :rolleyes: an its all just carp an bream an silvers down here thats prity mch it no f1s ide chub barble ect:(
