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Im going to get a ro system with di


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My water is hard /emoticons/sad.png please help me and read carefully

Im planning on getting a 350ltr tank and let the pure water go in their... then just put it from their in to my containers.... otherwise i would be around for 3 hours !

I dont know wether to put all this set up in the garage or inside the laundry room ? Theirs no space in my garage /emoticons/sad.png :( /emoticons/sad.png :( In my laundry room i have easier access to the tap /emoticons/smile.png Really easy... and same for the garage.... as its next door to the laundry room

So what i got to do now is get a ro system and di.... i got a load of questions people please answer them all as i need to know ! /emoticons/sad.png lol

1. If i do it in laundry room.... will it make a big mess ?

2. Do i have to wait 2 hours everytime before i use an ro ? or just the first time i ever use it ?

3. I know the red pipe produces all the waste water.... but theirs no drain near by.... /emoticons/sad.png

My laundry room is really small aswell !

Some one answer them 3 questions in good detail please /emoticons/smile.png thanks alot lads

Why don't you mount it in your van? Or have a static system and another 350l tank in your van?
