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Is my customer trying to tell me she doesn't want a window cleaner anymore?


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I've cleaned this customer windows for a few years now and she always have left the back gate unbolted for me to get round the back.

9th January

Me text
Windows cleaned tomorrow Tuesday am £20. Thanks David ******

Customer text Hi David I will leave tomorrow as windows are ok at the moment. Please can you let me know when you are around next. Thanks C*****

Me text ok

6th March

Me text
Windows cleaned tomorrow Tuesday am £20. Thanks David ******

Customer text Hi David I am at work tomorrow so I'll have to leave it for a day that I am around. Sorry! Thanks C*****

Which is weird she is rarely ever there when I turn up to clean her windows and now all of the sudden it a issue.

Is it her way of telling me she doesn't want me to clean her windows anymore?

Yes that's the start of a slippery slope. You can spot them a mile off.

Look at her wording "I will have to leave it for a day when I am around" that's a fob off because she's not specific and its non commital. if she had wanted you to come when she's in she would have said, "sorry can you come next Wednesday morning about 10am as I will be in then".

Good customers all of a sudden start paying late or missing a clean then they want to go bimonthly then can we leave it tI'll the spring and we will let you know etc.

I had one last week didn't pay online as normal and non response to texts. Caught her in on the next clean, I said do you still want your windows cleaning? Well i do but can we make it every other r month..


It makes me laugh because they must think we are not wise to these tricks.

If something doesn't seem right then 9 times out of 10 something isn't right.

In this case just lay the law down.

"Hi Mrs messer, we had previously agreed to clean your windows every 4 weeks and i am able to clean your windows whether you are in or not as i send a text reminder the day before to allow you to unlock the gate. Unfortunately I cannot skip cleans or alter my round from its schedule as it is not a viable way to run my business. so unless you are able to stick to out current agreement then I am not going to be able to continue to clean your windows, hope you understand, kind regards big dave"

Chances are if she's a messers you will lose her but you would have lost her anyway and at the end of the day customers can't be the ones who dictate how you work.

I'm not gonna reply back again, it will make me look desperate. I will just leave it, in future if she does text me asking for her windows to be cleaned I will make it very clear I don't do ones off when it suits her, it will have to be every 8 weeks which was our agreement in the first place and I will be increasing the price.

Too many PITA's about. I've had yet another newly canvassed customer call me up to cancel before I've even cleaned it. That's 2 in about a week. Total of £50 lost on 2x 8 weekly cleans. Both have had their old window cleaner surface after they have moved to new builds in areas that are miles apart. I'm finding I'm stepping 2 steps forward and 1 step back in this area I've moved to. Thank feck I've still got my loyal customers back 'home'.

I'm not gonna reply back again, it will make me look desperate. I will just leave it, in future if she does text me asking for her windows to be cleaned I will make it very clear I don't do ones off when it suits her, it will have to be every 8 weeks which was our agreement in the first place and I will be increasing the price.
I think definitely reply back a standard ultimatum. 3 months is our furthest rota'd clean or something of that effect and you'll have to remove her from data base as is procedure, your happy to do one-off cleans at X amount if she contacts you in future.

(3x amount) My texts are a little more refined but just as firm, sorry at gymnastics with daughter so typing quick.

She then shows her intentions, you've then given her an out or she'll move to every 2 months etc....

or if been good for ages offer her every 2 months straight away if she feels monthly is too much... still firm though but caring

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Too many PITA's about. I've had yet another newly canvassed customer call me up to cancel before I've even cleaned it. That's 2 in about a week. Total of £50 lost on 2x 8 weekly cleans. Both have had their old window cleaner surface after they have moved to new builds in areas that are miles apart. I'm finding I'm stepping 2 steps forward and 1 step back in this area I've moved to. Thank feck I've still got my loyal customers back 'home'.

My rounds been like that since i started, i wouldnt want to start again thats for sure.

Two of them have asked to go 8 weekly tonight :mad: I give up grrrrrrrr
Round building is a nightmare, the amount of messers you have to go through is unreal. Never ending for me, i have more ex customers than current customers according to george.

I've cleaned this customer windows for a few years now and she always have left the back gate unbolted for me to get round the back.

9th January

Me text
Windows cleaned tomorrow Tuesday am £20. Thanks David ******

Customer text Hi David I will leave tomorrow as windows are ok at the moment. Please can you let me know when you are around next. Thanks C*****

Me text ok

6th March

Me text
Windows cleaned tomorrow Tuesday am £20. Thanks David ******

Customer text Hi David I am at work tomorrow so I'll have to leave it for a day that I am around. Sorry! Thanks C*****

Which is weird she is rarely ever there when I turn up to clean her windows and now all of the sudden it a issue.

Is it her way of telling me she doesn't want me to clean her windows anymore?
Had one similar tonight, can't clean tomorrow as the customers sister in law is looking after the dog so customer says better leave it tomorrow lol no worries I said.

Don't think I'll bother, seems a silly reason to me

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There's nothing worse than filling your round up with customers YOU think will want there windows cleaned. Dump them, take out all the dead wood,then you can see how many you actually have on your round and where the holes are.

These messers are everywhere....had one today. Texted yesterday as I need back gate unlocked. Had a text back this morning....leave it this month as we have just had our kitchen replaced . (I'm not doing the damn windows from the inside)!!. Last month it was.......I am ill in bed, can you come next month instead. I get it.......they probably don't want them done anymore....but just say so. I wont be texting her again when I do her neighbours.......messers everywhere.

thats why I dont send texts day before

dont give them chance to cancel, when you have your first clean done your only doing maintenance cleans some customers canny get there heads around it

These messers are everywhere....had one today. Texted yesterday as I need back gate unlocked. Had a text back this morning....leave it this month as we have just had our kitchen replaced . (I'm not doing the damn windows from the inside)!!. Last month it was.......I am ill in bed, can you come next month instead. I get it.......they probably don't want them done anymore....but just say so. I wont be texting her again when I do her neighbours.......messers everywhere.
Totally agree with this. I had one, I've cleaned her windows for years. I always ring her the night before (an old dear). "Ooh can you leave them tomorrow as I've got a dentist appointment and the dentist has told me I must rest." Well I flipped at her on the phone. She's been a model custy since.

thats why I dont send texts day beforedont give them chance to cancel, when you have your first clean done your only doing maintenance cleans some customers canny get there heads around it
Yeah I know that gives them an option Duncs but I can't get around the back without her opening the blinking locked gate and I don't do climbing at my age lol.


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