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Ladder mitts or ladder pad


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We have mits on all our ladders, It was truly like coming out of the dark into the light. Never had an issue with slippage on wet / shiny sills.

We also have two sets of mats in the van which once again are worth their weight in gold.

Sometimes it can be hard deciding do you 'need' to spend more money on an item but these two items really do pay dividends.

I don't trust rubber laddermats
Ye of Little faith!

Seriously though, we use the black knobbly ones that come four on a d-ring. We mostly use them to 'level' the ladders angles. Like everything in life they have limitations, for example on green slimed decking, you might as well not bother, Nick has had them come out from under him on wet decking and thank god walked away, shaken not broken!

I guess as long as you aren't believing that either mitts or mats are a fail safe solution that will save you in every possible scenario and as long as you use them within the confines of their capabilities you will be fine.

Like most things in life a healthy dollop of common sense will work well when using the aforementioned items.

I do still believe both items are worth their weight in gold.

I use them with my ankalad if i am on wonky ground but not on their own since finding out how boarcity had a fall just in the damp on them as rubber and water don't mix


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