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Ladders needed and stuck on which ones are best for me, help!!:)


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Now lets see what happens with either one of those when they are at the top overreaching /emoticons/biggrin.png

Right I been looking in to it all online and making my own mind up, the m8rix looks really good and will add some safty for me slipping out and works on lots of terrains. I will go for this. Does anyone no bets place to buy one from, I can not see it sold on the street shops. Someone mentioned a site on another post but it looks bit suss to me.

I will go for the professsional m8rix as the guy uses with the pins at bottom, makes sense. The industrial one is rubber at bottom and as Borcity you said rubber is suss outside. So the professional m8rix is the one, will safer using it and a stand off. I need to find a decent stand off at fair price too, homebae have one for £40 note.

Any finale advice please let me no, just making sure I get the right equipment and in time when i earn money i can get different stuff.

Smurf, yeah I bet hey have there limits, but for me as a newbie they mst help a bit, people whom have them on here have told me the m8rix is good and always works never moved on any surface.

Thank you so much everyone for your input.

overreaching is something newbies do- after a few months you never do it as you learn the best place to put your ladder , so its a learning curve ,like every job

www.ladderm8.co.uk is the place that makes/sells the gizmo

Yes your right, cheers for the link, the m8trix professional one is the one I am going for and that abru ladder you showed me Boarcity, with the stand off form homebase to add to it, shoudl be ok with that. Not listenign to my windy whom says you not need it put a peice of carpet down and your fine just angle it right. emmm ok.

I like the m8trix with the pins on the bottom seems like they grab in and the rubbe ron top with the holder bit. Thanks

On the ladder issue anyone know where I can buy good quality ladders that will reach approx 30ft (3rd story gutters ) and can be extended by one man , oh and will deliver to good old Norn Ireland ;-)
midlands ladders deliver to Norn Ireland at extra cost and think your best bet may be rope operated ladders

clow group are based in N.I. and have a website but prices are high i think

WOW - That has just changed my mind totally, that is quality, it work on stones, decking and grass, that was my worry about foot the ladder on grass and stone, its not even is it? It really does stand out better to me. Where can you get this from, hope there oem deals on it.Cheers Boarcity again for the vid.
What m8rix is that one in the vid, i dont want the pro plus one, the one with the metal at bottom, is that the professional or industrial one?Ta
use this myself but one with spikes on base

today had it on decking slippy to foot no probs

however ya need pretty level surface to use this

use this myself but one with spikes on basetoday had it on decking slippy to foot no probs

however ya need pretty level surface to use this
Thats the ladder m8trix professional you have then mate. So it stops the slip well, what would most windys do then if no matrix? just put on decking and do it?

[QUOTif decking=Scottie, post: 193195, member: 8219]Thats the ladder m8trix professional you have then mate. So it stops the slip well, what would most windys do then if no matrix? just put on decking and do it?

Alot of decking is very dodgy at this time of the year scottie. You cant just put your ladder feet down on it and hope for the best....you will take a fall for sure. You need an anti slip device or, alternatively, do the window with a pole. My laddermate arrived today so I will be testing it out this week. Some windys use these:


Look pretty good for decking and easy to carry around.

I am really stuck on what to buy lol. I was going to get foot the ladder but then the m8rix has been the one. Its easy to set up and seems to get amazing reviews. I suppose each to there own. Its good to see what people use.

So what does everyone use for safty with there ladders for normal day to day work.

So hard to decide what to use. Being a newbie to is difficult as want to be safe while getting to grips with it.

Thats the ladder m8trix professional you have then mate. So it stops the slip well, what would most windys do then if no matrix? just put on decking and do it?
they would fall if they did that Scottie

the guys and gals on here know their stuff and help me lots anything that they would use/recommend will work for ya

without a device you will be bollo-ed choose one and keep going forward :thumbsup:

I use a home made ladder footee type thing, made from a piece of decking with a wooden strip along the top to hold against the ladder feet, and with a metal angle strip fitted to the underneath which sits in the groove of the decking.

I also use some 'Ladder Mats' (more useful) which can apparently, be used on decking, stone, slabs, grass, and any uneven surface.


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i bleve the later laddermats now come with a warning on the packet not to use on smooth or slippery surfaces

well thats what the maker told me , he lives in my town , i contacted him after i fell the full drop when my laddermats lost their grip on a pathway.iv posted about that many times-yes i bang on but even if 1 person hears me and realizes the real risk of using rubber outdoors thats 1 life saved.

actually,he is now a big maker of a lot of gizmos, that footee device is his. he also makes rubber replacement feet for ladders that all the supply stores now sell- rubber,yikes , DONT DO IT LADS! -get original makers plastic feet

i personally hate him,as he has no morals, its all about money for him. [he tried to buy me off too,with gifts]

But how many others have fell using his rubber mats? or his rubber feet?

iv heard on the forums of a few who fell or nearly fell using his mats , others who might have died nobody will hear of them ,

he will have that on his conscience

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Wow Boarcity, thats shocking. The laddermats we are talking about here, the set of small squares with lots of rubber spikes, yes?

I don't use them if its really wet or anything (as ladders are stupid in real slippy conditions), but i use them on slabs generally.

Ive always found them to be quite good. But there has to be a breaking point when they will let go.

I don't use ladders bigger than 3.5M Triple anymore. My window cleaning ladders are a 3M double Ramsay Point, and an 8' Ramsay Point for low work.

I used to use all manner of ladders, some real biggies at times, but now i am trying to keep it simple, and don't even do 2nd storey work on a ladder anymore. No way. When i were a younger man i would go anywhere, walk along the ridge top of the roofs, slide down the ladders using my feet ( just like norman wisdom etc) and everything, but I'm not up to all that now and take it steady.

WFP is good for me for anything the slightest bit awkward these days.

I will thing twice about where i use those laddermats from now on.

i was naive,before my fall i honestly thought that rubber mats would be better than nothing ,if the ground was damp . but how wrong i was! yes, laddermats are 2 small square mats of spikey rubber linked together by a steel ring. they look great but the fundamental principle is flawed

whats even worse,the maker promotes these mats online with videos where he mentions hes a window cleaner - well hes not- i know all the lads,and lasses ! who are windies in this town and hes not one of em

I think ladder mats are only ok in conjunction with a ladder safety device such as my ankalad

Smurf put me onto that idea and it has worked fine

Use the mats to level the ladder feet on uneven ground but use the ankalad to prevent the ladder slipping but wouldn't entertain the idea of using them on their own since hearing boars story

Amazing I've lived this long when i never used to use anything

I would never use ladder mats on there own but I'm sure plenty do and buy them after seeing the chaps vid.

I see he is trying to sell them in the USA too way back in 2013 going buy this vid


Can any one recommend what stand off to get wit this ladder, the ladder link is : http://www.diy.com/departments/abru-aluminium-triple-extension-ladder-h47m/30372_BQ.prd

This is hre ladder Boarcity and RJ told me about, but I lost the stand off details, just wondered if anyone knows of a god stand off that works with this ladder, not too expensive lol, but good. Thank you, looking to buy tomorrow or when I feel confident in what I am buying. One for RJ and Boarcity I think. /emoticons/smile.png
