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Leaking reel, how to stop it?


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I did voice the opinion once that I believed that trippy isn't a true to life person. For all the issues he has its impossible for all these things to happen to one person.  :1f603:

I still feel this is a keyboard warrior on the windup. Despite that I have replied to a few of his posts in the past.

If it is real then we have a replica of the sitcom Frank Spencer of Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em.
I miss frankncheerfull 

I did voice the opinion once that I believed that trippy isn't a true to life person. For all the issues he has its impossible for all these things to happen to one person.  :1f603:

I still feel this is a keyboard warrior on the windup. Despite that I have replied to a few of his posts in the past.

If it is real then we have a replica of the sitcom Frank Spencer of Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em.
Other posts may have seemed more plausible 

Ok so if this no wind up, here is how the reel should look.

Hoselock end on the inside...


Threaded end on outside, ptfe tape wrapped around a few times, and brass elbow tightened on.


Inside this how mine looks, I used a cable tie not an o'clip to fix hose in place.


Hope this helps all would be Frank Spencer's out there.

Ooh Betty!


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