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Excellent post @Mart1001 :thumbsup:

The way I do it is, angle blade at about 90 degrees into top left corner, go across to the right corner and go back over the same area you have just bladed to the left and fan all the way down. The reason I go over the top twice is I find you get the 'stop mark' in the right corner most of the time. Don't ask me why, but I do :confused:

On patio doors, I will sometimes use a different technique. No straight pulls or fanning. I cut into the top left corner and go across to the right corner, then I go all the way to the bottom with the blade at an angle and back up to the top at an angle and then back down. It usually takes 4 strokes with a 12" blade. The blade doesn't leave the glass and is quicker than fanning the door.

On quarter lights, I angle the blade so that only a part of it is touching the glass and the rest will be off the glass until there is room for the whole blade to come into contact with the glass. If that makes sense? :confused:

I use a 14" squeegee on everything and have done for years and also always always fan!! @jordan you gotta get used to fanning bud, A:- it looks more professional and B:- its a hell of a lot quicker

i like using a 6 inch squeggee on small top windows and fanning them just like big windows it works for me :thumbsup:
Snap I cut down one of my old squeegees to make a small 6 inch and I fan all the windows lol.

it certainly takes 3 months for you to focus purely on the glass without looking thru it into the room .

some people fan from day 1 and some just straight pull forever . iv workers like that and it makes no real difference long as you do it right . i do a bit of both . i think it can take a year for the average joe to get into the zone to the point where you stop getting any complaints.

im 6 yrs in with a polished act that only comes with time and i know now if somebody get funny on me theyr a nitpicker. i had one the other week , tiny strip at frame edge she could see where squeegee hadnt quite caught it - i touched it up for her but still she wasnt happy, you lot are too quick she said-can you do the back of the house again but take longer doing it ---at that point i let her have both barrels!

you cant please em all

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