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The only problem with wintecs is things are generally a touch more expensive. .50p here a quid there which i suppose covers delivery but if ordering bits and bobs like last night i ordered 84" of unger hard and delivered it is 5 quid

3 day delivery instead of next day if you want it free but if you need rubber for next day you should be more organised

I like the fact that i could just order 1 12" strip if i wanted and only cost a quid or so

Still looks a pretty rough guess though, if you ask me.
There's nothing I hate more than the channel being uneven (even if it's just a couple mms).

So does anyone have their channels off WCW then? Are they even available yet, or are the only people who have them been sent them as early testing things?
I just stick it in roughly even and crack on

Can't see it makes much difference

I just stick it in roughly even and crack onCan't see it makes much difference
I know, I must suffer from terrible aspergers disease, but the more intuitive of us can really feel it, like the princess and the pea /emoticons/tongue.png

My son has aspergers. .do you actually have it??

He taught his class how to use ms excel at the age of 8 as he knew more than the teacher

I ordered Wednesday and I should have them wednesday and they messed up again and delivered to neighbour 2 doors back who does not like me,he signed for it then opened my parcel and left under my door without telling me!

It makes not an effing toss SMUF how long it takes anyone to do anything, but with no measure to judge against how do we know when to be impressed or not?
More to the point if someone is claiming that a tool saves them 10 mins per job well yes I do want to know what size property we are talking about. If we are talking mostly semis as mentioned earlier well then bu**sh*t is my opinion, if it's saving a whole 10 mins then you're only trying harder and faster as you got a new toy.

IF on the other hand Smurf, the gent is only doing properties like St James Windsor or Buckingham Palace well the 10 mins is neither here nor there really is it now?

So no, I have no intention of giving anyone a break until they are willing to quantify their measure.

After all the thread is all about talking people into spending hard earned cash on replacing something that has worked for 90 years so why shouldn't I have the right to know what size property SMURF?
If you change from ordinary trad to Wagtail, you will (or should) make a saving of about 20% on your time, after you've got used to it.

Yes, I have also found WCW to be very good at seling stocks they don't have! :thumbsdown:
It would be nice if they had the decency to tell you this when checking out but oh well, then you might not give them your money!
I ordered mine from wcw Wednesday on Thursday they rang me and said they don't have any in stock until the Monday so I said to cancel the order and by some strang mirrical they found some and sent it out and I received it Thursday I think they just try it on

My son has aspergers. .do you actually have it??r
Yes. And I didn't mean to actually cause any offense, if it did so.

WCW actually emailed me to say they won't get the channels in until friday. So it looks like it'll be a week before I get mine now anyway.

Yes. And I didn't mean to actually cause any offense, if it did so.
WCW actually emailed me to say they won't get the channels in until friday. So it looks like it'll be a week before I get mine now anyway.
No offense mate i just wondered as my son has to have everything perfect also where others wouldn't even notice

My wife swears i have it also due to how i am

But when i was at school it wasn't heard of

When we got son diagnosed i could answer yes to all the questions that he was a yes for..not sure if it is hereditary but i am also very particular with things which is why my window cleaning is always a 100 % spot on top job as nothing else is good enough for me

I will now give you my review Daveyboy........................oh no wait a minute.............I meant I will give you a review once WCW deliver the stock they have sold that they don't even have yet!! Yes that's about it. :whistle:
Green, sorry to hear you've not had a good experience with us. We did put 'Pre order' on the site from day one as we knew there would be a massive demand for the Liquidator on release. Do you know what day you ordered it? We phoned over 80 customers last week updating them with the progress of their orders for those we couldn't get out immediately, did you not receive a call?

I got a call. Should get mine this week.

On a personal note I've always had very good service from wcw & it did say pre order when I ordered mine.

Perhaps I missed the 'Pre Order' part on this occasion Stephen and if that's the case, oh well, I apologize. However on a number of occasions in the past year I have ordered from WCW and my order arrives 'light'

The reason I use you is 'Free next day delivery' on all orders over £50

Well that only really carries any weight when you actually have the entire order in stock ready to ship next day and not when you part ship and send the rest when you can find the remaining stock.

I have worked for a large wholesaler briefly in my past so I do understand your predicament but perhaps if you really want to consider being good at customer service some sort of 'stock level tracking' integrated into the web site so when I do need an item the next day you cant provide at least I am aware of it and can make alternate arrangements, not open a box to find half the items there and a delivery note with asterisks next to the remaining items stating 'back ordered' Not quite the same as next day is it?

Also whilst we are at it, called up a few days ago to inquire about a water heater, to be told by the polite young lady 'they're all in London at the show, there's no one here to answer any questions' That orders gone else where and it is not the first time I have been told there is no one there to deal with specific inquiries, that is why your company only ever sees orders from us for £70 to £100 for bits and bobs. Your competitors are taking the real dollar value of our business.

Weather you give a sh*t or not is of no relevance to me personally Stpehen I just hope you find some food for thought in my comments, however if I ran my customer service the way you appear to run yours I would be serving fries at McDonalds for lack of business.


Thank you Green (are you Green Window Cleaner?) for your feedback, all good points. We carry a very large amount of stock but every now and again get caught short as it were, majority of the time we contact customers and let them know exactly what is going on if there is any shortfall. I'm disappointed you have not had this on your orders, and will follow up why not in the morning.

Yes Stephen, I am Green Window Cleaner, and I can say that I have never once had a call from WCW to advise me when there have been stock issues. I hope you take my comments as nothing more than constructive criticism as I wish not to offend simply to give an honest account of experience.

Green, can you check your records for when you ordered a Liquidator? I've just had confirmation that there is no order on your account which would explain no phone call. Need to find out why this is the case.Thanks.
