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Looking advise on pure water trolly sy


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Looking advise on pure water trolly systems , starting out in the business ( n ireland based ) been looking @ either 25 ltr 50 ltr steam flo from streamline or 25lrt from pure freedom , pros or cons , or maybe there's better out there or even if anyone has a secondhand selling
Regards ian
Hi Ian
You need to know your water tds first before investing. Then your water pressure.
Those are two important steps.
Then in the search bar on this forum type in trolley system. Lots of advice will come up. Research that, then decide which is best for you.
The barrels full of water are heavy. Massive consideration. 25l is heavy to be lifting in and out of the car or van. Have you got work already?
Lots to consider.
I can vouch for the Pure Freedom trolleys. We have two of their MK2 trolleys that are in regular use. The chassis of one is 18 yrs and still going strong and the other is 10 years old. I have equipped them with my own choice of pump and batteries though as I found the originals to be too heavy. I use 5 lpm x 70 PSI backpack style pumps and 10hr batteries. Reduces the overall weight considerably. Not sure if they make this version anymore, but the Nano has a good rep as pjj says.
Hiya thanks for the info, just done a tds water reading @157 was hoping it would be below 100 lol using a hm digital tds 3 reader ( not sure if different brands would have different reading) haven't done a pressure test but know we have very good pressure, so would a ro system be enought or would i be best going ro/di to bring tds down to 0 bearing in mind I be working a trolly and guessing 300ltr a day max and any recommendations what type/ brand to go for.
Regards ian
Hiya thanks for the info, just done a tds water reading @157 was hoping it would be below 100 lol using a hm digital tds 3 reader ( not sure if different brands would have different reading) haven't done a pressure test but know we have very good pressure, so would a ro system be enought or would i be best going ro/di to bring tds down to 0 bearing in mind I be working a trolly and guessing 300ltr a day max and any recommendations what type/ brand to go for.
Regards ian
Most would have an rodi
Hiya thanks for the info, just done a tds water reading @157 was hoping it would be below 100 lol using a hm digital tds 3 reader ( not sure if different brands would have different reading) haven't done a pressure test but know we have very good pressure, so would a ro system be enought or would i be best going ro/di to bring tds down to 0 bearing in mind I be working a trolly and guessing 300ltr a day max and any recommendations what type/ brand to go for.
Regards ian
You would need a DI as well, a good R/O should get your TDS down to around 6 so a little high to be cleaning windows. Ring Doug at Daqua. Don't know if he sends stuff to Ireland or not.

I used a 300 gpd RO DI unit for 13 years before my daughter started working with me and that provided me with plenty of water for my use. I stored the water in a 400 ltr upright tank in a shed in my garden and drew off that as and when I needed it. I now use a 400 gpd RO unit. I replace the prefilters about three times a year and the RO membrane about every 4-5 years. I refill the 10" DI resin vessel about once every 4-6 weeks. However, my Tap TDS is between 300-400, so you will likely need to change your filter cartridges and resin less often using a setup like this.

My mains pressure is quite low so I have a booster pump set between the prefilters and the RO to increase the pressure to about 70PSI.
I use the Pure Freedom Nano trolley for all my work, I can highly recommend it. It will be 5 years old next month and I've never had to change the battery (it's a lithium one).

It might not be the cheapest option but it's well built and easily capable of doing the job it's intended for, reliably.

I don't think it's a lot of money for something that could earn you lots. In the 5 years I've been going it's earned me 5 years worth of income so somewhere in the region of £600k to £800k ;) So the cost of the machine I think was about £500 at the time and it's still earning me money everyday I'm working now.

As for lifting the barrels in and out the van. Yes it's about 25kg each one. I take 12 so that's 300 litres and is enough for 4 to 5 hours ( an afternoons work). The hardest bit is loading them at the start of the day though because you're lifting them onto the van. When you're at a job you're lifting them down so it's a lot easier.

I can lift them with one arm but when loading them on the van I use two arms to try and save me pulling my back. When you're twisting and lifting you have to be careful. I've not pulled my back but it's because I'm generally careful.

A trolley is the fastest way to get you up and running though. You could get one today and so long as you have a pole, brush and purified water, well you could be working tomorrow. It's very quick and simple. The only reason cleaners tend to stop using them is because they feel it's easier to use a reel with an onboard system so run long hoses from the van with a big water tank strapped down in the van.

I've stuck with the trolley because a lot of my work wouldn't suit a reel system, so I'd end up using a reel but also needing to take the trolley with me as well.

It's a personal preference and it will be your business so you can do what you like. To start off with though I think it's a good idea just to use the trolley I've recommended, see if you like window cleaning and then if it works then spend a bit more if you want.

Someone on here was saying on another thread that they had spent £25k get everything perfect from the start and they are struggling to get the work to make it viable. For reference I spent about £1k and was in profit by the second month and I've not had to spend much else since that. Still got and use the original SLX 22 pole. I already owned the van which is a 2003 peugeot partner so not an expensive one. Only thing invested in since was an RO last year, that cost me something like £300 and has saved me a lot more than that over the last 18 months.