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Minimizing drips from top frame


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I have found especially since I have had an aqua dapter I can minimize the dripping from top frame. I am sure many do this but for those that don't it works for me.

Once you have cleaned all frame stop water flow either with your tap or just kinck the hose, shake excess water off brush then run over top frame, shake water off and run over again down to where the frame meets window. Then rinse window as you normally would I find I do this on most windows now and often do this instead of doing all frames then going back to first window after it has stopped dripping. Not had any trouble or marks from doing this.

similar, i'd wash and rinse the window, turn off and brus sill, if sill's bad leave on and wash, maybe repeat turned off

I've had enough of my aqua-dapter tbh, in the cold weather we've been getting here the top pipe gets so cold that when you pull it the pipe just disconnects from my pole, it's really annoying me lately, might just go back to the valve option.


Mine does that occasionally get a shower as it pops off! It would be easily fixed with a small clip but does not happen to me enough to be bothered.

Hmm its happening to me more often now /emoticons/sad.png 'm not sure if I have the mark 1 edition or maybe 2. Do you think the mk3 would have been improved on this issue?


Ok I am using orange hose not changed the length of loop so same as when first got it. I use cold water only and atm it is not that warm anyway so pretty cool temp. Happened to me twice last week then prob about once 3 weeks before. So not all the time.

I'm looking into a new hose and 2 mk3 aqua-dapters on Saturday, hopefully they will do the trick.

Cheers, Paul & Gav.

