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Missing the bleeding obvious - little orange stains


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Right, I've been going 6 months now, steady build.
Where am I going wrong with bird/fly **** removal on maintenance cleans. I'll was off & scrub, scrub, scrub and there sometimes is an orange stain left over that the brush can't shift. Surely defeats the object of a 'quick' maintenance clean if you've gotta keep whipping out the pink stuff and scourer.

Therefore, am I missing the bleeding obvious in my methods?
Thank you
Right, I've been going 6 months now, steady build.
Where am I going wrong with bird/fly **** removal on maintenance cleans. I'll was off & scrub, scrub, scrub and there sometimes is an orange stain left over that the brush can't shift. Surely defeats the object of a 'quick' maintenance clean if you've gotta keep whipping out the pink stuff and scourer.

Therefore, am I missing the bleeding obvious in my methods?
Thank you
That's where hot water makes a big difference. I know what you mean by the amount of spider mess on the white pvc frames at this time of year. I usually heat it up for 5 seconds and then clean the rest of window and then go back to it.
Are you talking about bee ? or spider marks. Spiders are full of acid /;alkali so mark the windows. You won't be getting that for the next 3 or 4 months if the weather gets colder.
A few extra wipes will usually remove them but as I always say manage your customers expectations.
Unless you're charging big money then they can't expect you to leave all frames and sills sparkling every time, and usually we are far more critical than the custy
It's difficult to say what has left the spots. Sometimes I have knowingly squished a spider, sometimes it's been bird muck.
Customers haven't said anything but by the bar I set myself, it's irritating me that they aren't always coming off. Ta
Surely defeats the object of a 'quick' maintenance clean if you've gotta keep whipping out the pink stuff and scourer.
Whatever it is it shouldn't take you going back to the van grabbing pink stuff and scourer to shift it, carry half a magic sponge on you and that will shift marks that's all I do but if it ain't shifting in a few seconds it gets left I'm there to do a maintenance clean not take every single mark off the frames and sills that has either got there naturally or caused by the customer ot their family
Any marks like bird poo or insect poo, wet it without touching it, then clean another set of windows, then wet it again, clean another set of windows, then clean as normal. Soaking it for a few minutes makes it relatively straight forward to remove with a single pass.

For sills, the mark left behind use a microfibre and do the best you can. Use your own judgement as to whether you need to use the pink stuff, but generally speaking only use it if it really stands out and is on one of the more obvious visible sills, like the front door, rear door or double doors leading to the living room.

Having high standards is good, however being impossibly high standards will hurt your earning ability. Set yourself a time limit and do the best you possibly can within that time limit, work as fast as you can as hard as you can and constantly adjust your methods to try and get better... but don't go over your time limit. This will keep your business on track and keep your standards very high without having impossibly high standards.
Right, I've been going 6 months now, steady build.
Where am I going wrong with bird/fly **** removal on maintenance cleans. I'll was off & scrub, scrub, scrub and there sometimes is an orange stain left over that the brush can't shift. Surely defeats the object of a 'quick' maintenance clean if you've gotta keep whipping out the pink stuff and scourer.

Therefore, am I missing the bleeding obvious in my methods?
Thank you
Ime not saying do this regularly but a bit of ciff cream cleaner on the brush will remove it any stains in the plastic will disappear in a few hours
Right, I've been going 6 months now, steady build.
Where am I going wrong with bird/fly **** removal on maintenance cleans. I'll was off & scrub, scrub, scrub and there sometimes is an orange stain left over that the brush can't shift. Surely defeats the object of a 'quick' maintenance clean if you've gotta keep whipping out the pink stuff and scourer.

Therefore, am I missing the bleeding obvious in my methods?
Thank you
Classic newbie mistake.....just leave any stains on white UPVC that won't come off with pure water and your brush unless it's a full UPVC clean and you are getting paid a lot more money for the job.

Maintenance cleans are just that....normal dust,grime and bird muck/strike removal.

Your just making a rod for your own back messing about wasting time on maintenance cleans.just a quick splash and dash should suffice!!
That's where hot water makes a big difference. I know what you mean by the amount of spider mess on the white pvc frames at this time of year. I usually heat it up for 5 seconds and then clean the rest of window and then go back to it.
Hot water will not remove black spider spots or leaf stains on UPVC frames/sills or bird muck stains....i use CIF and a magic sponge(melamine foam)but only on first cleans and full UPVC cleans NOT on maintenance cleans...

I'd never get round my work if I had to scrub frames with a magic sponge every 2 mins....
Blood from the spiders ****.
try bouncing your brosh off and on the stains flat facing with water flow on this will remove most usually its gone when your return visit
always have a Magic Eraser pad does do a great job with any stains

I need some new ones now

does the £ shop still do them Last time i got 2 in a box for £2
I always make sure if the front door is white that it is totally clean. If I need the pink stuff then so be it because that is the first thing they usually notice. I have been told how good the door has come up and it gets me other customers. The brown spots on the sills and frames usually disappear when the next clean comes around even though I haven't removed them totally. This works for me.
This last few weeks has been spider crèche central round here and also spider feeding frenzies. Blood spots everywhere on downstairs sills and openers. Upstairs not so bad. Flocked brush helps but also the following extra step.

Downstairs this time of year (and also spring/early summer for the bee pollen) I carry a spray bottle of your go to preferred degreaser (no nonsense at the moment but razrwash/ubik/virosol all do the same) and pre-spray any sills/frames with build up of spider poop/blood spots.

By the time I get to washing with the brush you can see the blood melt away and you're not left with the residual underlying orange/red stain.

Same works for pollen stains from bee poop. You'll get to know the time of year and which areas worse for build ups- gardens with lots of flowers or houses near big trees etc etc.

Only adds a couple of mins tops per job but leaves job looking topnotch instead of explaining to customer that the stains will fade with UV sunlight. (Which they do and you never see the same stain the following time on the next clean as the sun has done the job but some custys would prefer instant results)

Now the only problem is finding a spray bottle that lasts more than a fortnight before the spray just dribbles out. ?
Blood from the spiders ****.
try bouncing your brosh off and on the stains flat facing with water flow on this will remove most usually its gone when your return visit
always have a Magic Eraser pad does do a great job with any stains

I need some new ones now

does the £ shop still do them Last time i got 2 in a box for £2
It's funny but sometimes a damp microfibre on the frames when I traditionally clean the odd downstairs window (that spots from top openers ) the cloth cleans the poop off without leaving a stain but when I try the same with a flocked/duPont brush it would still leave the stain. One of the vagaries of the job I guess a (And why the trad rats (?) will say their superior lol though a REAL window cleaner uses all methods at their disposal to suit the job ?
I of these bottles are good with a spray nozzle attached then I put in a bottle holder attached to trouser loop with Gardiner's carabineer


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