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Need advice on pure water production!


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Any idea Dave the TDS reading I would get with this RO with my tap TDS, and what water wastage would I be looking at? Also could I just use a simple float valve on my IBC to cut the water off using one of these? 

You need and auto shutdown valve valve as well as a float valve.

Iron Giant, I'm looking at getting this 450 gpd RO from Daqua, is this the same system you have? My tap water TDS is between 43 and 50 what would the TDS come out the RO and is there allot of water wastage? 

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Your tap water is pretty low so if you are on a water meter then I would advise going double DI.

With a DI Vessel you will get the same flow rate from your tap around 11/15 litres per minute. Where as with the 450  R/O system you will get around 700ml to 1 litre a minute. It will waste 1.5 litres a minute.

With the R/O you should get 000/0001 ppm with your input TDS

Thanks lads for the feedback on this. Ok I'm not on a water meter so this is sounding like the way to go. I do have a DI bottle and resin so if needs be I could polish it off to 0 if needed. How many litres of pure would I get from this system before the filters would need changing. And to set this up properly into an IBC I would need an auto shut off plus a float valve, how does the float valve set up with this?   :1f44d:

Get a double DI...my TDS is around 95 but I'm still in the process of measuring how much I get from my resin.

Have just changed my first vessel to new resin and I reckon I'll get about 6k/7k of pure per bag which is fine by me.

The Ro was just too much faffing about for me plus am on a water meter plus I sometimes need to top up during day as I only have a 250 litre tank.

Was taking as long as 20 hours to fill tank some days with 350 litres of waste with every fill.

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Thanks lads for the feedback on this. Ok I'm not on a water meter so this is sounding like the way to go. I do have a DI bottle and resin so if needs be I could polish it off to 0 if needed. How many litres of pure would I get from this system before the filters would need changing. And to set this up properly into an IBC I would need an auto shut off plus a float valve, how does the float valve set up with this?   :1f44d:

I use a 3/4 float valve as I have a normal hose from DI to Ibc tank so use hozeloc fittings.

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Thanks for the info on this, the twin DI route is definitely the easiest way for me to take but  I'm not on a water meter and the saving on resin with an RO is very hard to over look. What amount of pure water production would I get out out if the above Daqua 450gpd before I would need to change filters with my tap TDS, anyone got an idea of the figures? 

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Double di is the way to go Cristian how much water do you think you'll use per day

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Thanks for the info on this, the twin DI route is definitely the easiest way for me to take but  I'm not on a water meter and the saving on resin with an RO is very hard to over look. What amount of pure water production would I get out out if the above Daqua 450gpd before I would need to change filters with my tap TDS, anyone got an idea of the figures? 
When you take costs of filters etc into the equation i would go double di

75 quid for 25l bag

If that makes you 7000l of pure that works out to a smidge over 1p per litre

That is not taking into account double di which would lower that cost considerably while the old resin is still lowering your tds before the 2nd vessel

I would happily pay that to not need my ro and wait ages for water

Although double d.i would be easier if still go R.O if you are not on a water meter and you have space to run a system etc with no faff.

Your output TDs would be that low a sack of resin would last a couple of years just to polish off that last 1-2 TDs

Of course if you don't want the faff d.i would still be very cheap and much easier so up to you do you want to save a few quid or make life easier.

I went double di after around 5-6 years of using an ro with a tap tds of 44ppm, My god cost me a bloody fortune in resin as in about £250 a year if my memory serves me right.

RO hassle free check tds every 4 weeks and change pre-filters every 3 months or less frequently which cost less than £20.00

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I replace my resin every 6 weeks so costing me about £640 a year in resin my tap water is about 73 ppm. What do you rekon I should do go double di? 

Hey guys as a fellow double di system myself with a tap tds of 115 I have 2 11L di and replace my resin about 8 weeks a time however I am still building and roughly only use 1000l of water a week

Going Ro is the future plan but having no where to set up one right now double di was my only option.

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I replace my resin every 6 weeks so costing me about £640 a year in resin my tap water is about 73 ppm. What do you rekon I should do go double di? 

If I was you I would be buying an RO from Doug @ daqua.co.uk, Give Doug a ring explain your usage and needs of production and he will advise accordingly.

Doug is a top guy and will only advise you to buy exactly you need.

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I replace my resin every 6 weeks so costing me about £640 a year in resin my tap water is about 73 ppm. What do you rekon I should do go double di? 

Once your resin is reading too high for you to clean with (5ppm for example) it may take another 6 weeks or more to reach 73ppm so you are putting 5ppm through for a few days then 7ppm etc so the new resin is doing a lot less work prolonging the life of the new resin quite a bit

I would love to be able to use double di but at 340ppm i would get about 2500l per 25l vessel and not more than a couple k more litres using double di

Shouldn't the question be...I get 6000 litres form a bag of resin....how much will say 6000 litres earn me?

If you only earn £0.50p per litre that's 3k from a £70 bag of resin or 2.5% of your turnover.

And I bet most on here are earning more than that per litre.

I use a 400gpd ro I bought of eBay for 139 quid. I was using the litre di vessel that came with it but you nearly have to change it every 5/6 days which is a pain in the ass so I now use a 11 litre di vessel which is far better, my water going in to going In to the ro is 145ppm after ro is 3/4ppm and then out of the di is 000ppm

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Shouldn't the question be...I get 6000 litres form a bag of resin....how much will say 6000 litres earn me?

If you only earn £0.50p per litre that's 3k from a £70 bag of resin or 2.5% of your turnover.

And I bet most on here are earning more than that per litre.

Its a fair point, but in this game every little bit adds up, 2.5% of your turnover on resin, 5% of turnover on van finance, 2.5% of turnover on paypal fees, etc etc. now imagine if you had an R.O, had no van finance and used Bacs only...youd be nearly 300 quid a month better off.

Watch the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves

I thought you would be all for a bit of thrift, being a fellow yorkshireman
