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Need advice on pure water production!


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Adam....I'm saving on water rates....fill up at customers wherever possible.

Saving around 5 or 6 pounds a week so worth it for the speed of fill and a lot less faff.

Its all about how you work with your business.

I can't see why someone would not want to use an r/o system to purify water if they aren't on a meter. Mine has always worked perfectly. But there are so many cleaners who have trouble with getting their r/o systems to work.

If I was one of these I would go for the easiest method of purifying water, even if its cost was more. So I can understand why someone would go down the resin only route.

Double di is the way to go Cristian how much water do you think you'll use per day

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I will be looking at probs 350 to 500 litres a day , starting to think here that a double di will be the way forward but just can't make my mind up  :1f635:

Your tap water is pretty low so if you are on a water meter then I would advise going double DI.

With a DI Vessel you will get the same flow rate from your tap around 11/15 litres per minute. Where as with the 450  R/O system you will get around 700ml to 1 litre a minute. It will waste 1.5 litres a minute.

With the R/O you should get 000/0001 ppm with your input TDS
Doug,  how much pure will this system make before filters need changed and at what tap pressure. And does it use 1/4" hose and fittings? 

Yeah been reading about a resin shortage, this is getting me thinking more along the lines of an RO now. And point taken regarding TDS spiking using only resin.  

Doug,  how much pure will this system make before filters need changed and at what tap pressure. And does it use 1/4" hose and fittings? 
1/2 inch hose from tap to RO and standard JG tubing on the RO, I have really good tap pressure and have never had any issues or considered buying a pressure gauge. I use 300-350 ltrs of pure a day i was changing my pre-filters every 12 weeks but the new Fiberdyne CFB Plus Sediment/Carbon pre-filter lasts twice as long . 

I have a 1 CFB and a separate sediment filter as a safeguard so will now change once every 24 weeks @ a cost of £25.00 for the two, But if you aren't sure if you get a lot of sediment in your water best to check sediment filter sooner just as a safeguard. 

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As far as I can tell I don't have sediment in my tap water and can I use 8mm minibore to feed the RO? 

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As far as I can tell I don't have sediment in my tap water and can I use 8mm minibore to feed the RO? 

The sediment is on the micron level of size so you have it but can't see it. The pre filters also get rid of other bad stuff such as chlorine in the water which damages your membranes, so you get that taken out to prolong the life of the. Our ro we feed mains pressure via a piece of hose pipe...

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