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New kit list - approval/advice please


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hey @Scottie you can buy your pole anyway as you will get use out of it

get er set up and pole your own top windows and check them from inside

keep practicing , practicing , practicing and checking and you will know what is best for ya

ya will need ladders anyway so i would get them as well

good luck :thumbsup:

M8 get a ladder and do your work from it ditch the pole idea it won't work, you will end up with customers who aren't 100% happy and eventually you'll lose them , do if from a ladder and build yourself a strong business eventually that will grow enough to get a waterfed pole

Thanks for the replies guys, appriciate your time. I also might pick up some ladders and see how it goes, tbh I am fine getting up ladders, I just need to make sure there safe, its the setting up properly and I always imagine them sliding back and you go down as the ladders slip backwards, you get me. I have no issues going up one really, but the safty part is key, knowing there set up right, I see so many dont, its crazy the risks people take, as you all know. What are really safe ladders, I see one guy near me uses a ladder and it has like a bit that comes out form bottom like its on stabalizers or somthing, that would not go anywhere. I do liek the pole work, I speak to many people on here whom do it all day and online elsewhere and they are fine with it, use good kit and top quality set up and decent microfibers for detailing and DIY the micro to the end of squeegee your fine. The windows at my house are left awful and he ues a ladder , aslo my friends house different cleaner is awful, always has been but they dont change.

Anyway, thank you again for the info guys and TolishAPurd, I get you mate, but I just like the ease of the pole work, I find it really good for me and just like it, also the safty aspect is key to. I will never leaea windo upstair not fully done, so thats my choice if it take sa bit longer to detail it and get it right, so be it. I am after speed yes, but tbh, I can earn so much more than I was on, its ok for me. But I do get you. Can I ask, is the ladder actually going out of fashion? I seem to see so many people doing the water fed pole work, but to me it seems so hard to maintain and set up and the amount of pure water needed all the time, I have to look into it more, just seems a huge expense, I will ahve to chat more to people in that side of things.

I see three different window cleaners in my street over two weeks and only one has a ladder, one was pole trad and other pole wfp.

Thank you.

BTW HERE IS MY NEW KIT LIST AFTER LISTENING TO YOU GUYS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR TIME AND KINDNESS TO GIVE ADVICE. NICE ONE. I will of course buy in more cloths in bulk after I get going and other equipment. I seems to see you guys spend alot of money of new stuff, does it get addictive? I seem to get excited about buying better products etc, am I sad or do you get the bug and I have not even started yet. lol. Quality site this, glad I found it.


Unger OptiLoc™ Telescopic Pole System £50.95


Unger Angle Joint – Zinc £9.45


Unger StripWasher® Monsoon Strip Pac £8.25


Unger ErgoTec® SwivelLoc Handle 14” £9.35


Unger Stainless Steel S-Channel 14" £3.05


Unger Stainless Steel S-Channel 6” £1.95


Unger ErgoTec® Handle £7.45


Ettore Master Rubber X3 14” £5.85


Ettore Master Rubber 36” for 6 inch channel £3.65


Unger Big Bucket and lid 28L £16.35




Unger ErgoTec® Ninja MicroWipe™ £2.75


Unger MicroWipe™ UltraLite Sill Cloth x3 £2.55


Unger MicroWipe™ x1 £1.95


er...you dont have to buy it all at once....

sorry i know you like the trad pole idea but...im with pura and tolish....

as for ladders...get a too big pair like me.....they stay doubled up most ot the time....and never have they shifted....but..watch the wet...although...if in doubt....leave it out.....

you have to be hybrid like me...wfp and trad,,,,,the way to go.../emoticons/biggrin.png

one thing i will say.....you sound like a top bloke with your head screwed on ..and me likes ya dedication....be free....like me... and you get...ferris windowcleaners day off.....like tomorrow....well i have to go to specsavers....and they mess you about for ages....and... most of all.....its.....tax equality day at spoons....support your local pub....they are doing their bit....they are dropping vat for the day...cheaper beer and food...i am doing my bit....rock n roll....viva the revolution..

and thats because i can .....cause i free ....free as a bird ....fook the system....wolfie was right...../emoticons/biggrin.png

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I have 2 ladders for window cleaning.3 section 10 m but it is used mainly for gutters and 1 double 5m which is good for 1 story buildings

Goimg straight never seems to be on tv..porridge is

Only made 6 episodes of going straight

is that all....shame....yep and it always seems to be the same episodes....ahh the good old days..they dont make em like they did...but...plebs is back on...funnnnnnny:D

Hello guys,

I have been thinking a lot about what some of you have said and the advice you have given me.

Pura clenz - you have mad eme think a lot when you said before build a good business up with a ladder and go for it. I look into that comment a lot and also the other guys on here. It makes sense in terms of speed, yes agree, I can get far more work done and your face too window and can clean any dirt off. I can understand that 100% its better yes. I like the pole idea but after waiting on my own, I saw a guy WFP working and I spoke to him and he was a really nice chap whom let me have a go and told me all about it, I was amazed the pole was lighter and really good, but my god your neck hurts looking up and poling with it, I was like emmm, its even easier than trad pole and its still demanding on neck and back and I dont no why I just felt that trad window cleanign up a ladder is better, it just fell into place, its the option that gives you face to face glass and ability to get paint off etc or dried in egg etc. even the WFP did not removed the paint off the window. was impressed with it but far to much water dropping all over and with he rinse the water was present on the window a little tiny bit, as you pole is with pure water but then has dirt mixed in straight away from the pole and also th dust in the air, so its never 100% pure i thought, its impossible. Anyway, thats that, it just made me think and all the advide i get here I have listened to and taken on board, my equipment is all here now and its great, tuff getting to learn it, but as you say it takes time.

Ladders, I am ok with using them, I would, i would be nervous, but I am not like "oh no way" I just want to know there safe and well set up with safty parts. If you use them right and have safty your going to be ok 99%.

So I call upon your help if you can help a newbie get going as I am ready to roll and flyer ete etc but the ladders and the roof rack etc are holding em back now.

What do i need in terms of ladder and safty whats best out there for a not so high budget. Also i have a focus hatch, what fo I need to enable me to have it on my roof and what recommendations do you have.

Thank you so much for your time and also soem of you really trying to inform me that ladders can be better for me and I see your only looking out for me as you are the guys I need to be listening too.

Thank you, especially pura clenz, daveyboy and boarcity and cheapncheerful for pushing em the right way with your experience and know how.

Your welcome m8, glad your going down the ladder route , you'll have far more happier customers, dont spend a lot on flyers as usually you get only 1 enquiry to every hundred posted, door knocking is depressing and slow but will get you work if your persistent with it.

As for the ladder and safety they is a few options but they slow you down, so make sure your ladder has good feet with plenty of tread and make sure it's at the correct angle for the window your cleaning , the more you use your ladder the more confident on it You'll become good luck with it m8

And it you haven't done yet create a new Facebook Acc in your business name (don't need to be a business Acc ) then send friend requests out to everyone and see if that brings you work

As for ladders really all you'll need is a 11 rung double ladder ,11 because that usually sits under standard windows without problems and a modern ladder won't kill you lifting it /emoticons/wink.png

the make of ladder isnt critical as long as it still has its feet on it . id say dont buy anything bigger than a double 12 or double 10 or the weight will be too much for everyday use . i use trade ladders by LYTE but also have used Abru trade ladders , every different make of ladders has their pros and cons

i know of a few trad windies using a Ford Focus, all seem happy enough

Hi Boarcity, whats the LYTE like, any links or you tubes? I really want a safe pair of ladders, ok might extend set up time, but I am prepared to lose a house a day cleaning in time to set up and be safe. Its better then poling all day and still a million miles faster.

Pura Clenz, yeah, the ladders have won me over, I just was nto over impressed with WFP and the aching neck and looking up all time, hard work all day poling. but thats my thoughts now. I have come from the darkside lol. I totally respect your advice and I have to follow within reaosn you guys on here as your all pros, so ther eis no one better to listen to.

Just stuck now on what ladders to get, I am well lost, my flyers etc are all here and ready to go but the ladders are holing me up, grr, one thign after an other. I think I am right ditching the pole work and use it for awkward houses only, so it is needed and can use it for conservatory cleaning.

Feel like I am fighting a losing battle sometimes, just want to sort ladders and roof rack etc, need to look into what i need and try get a 2nd hand set up for roof rack, moeny is tight. SO close now to starting.

LYTE ladders are popular with tradders , same as Titans are . theyre TRADE ladders[dont buy domestic lyte as theyre flimsy and a toy in every way] but Trades are sturdy and feel reassuring and have comfy rungs. One thing tho,they are NOT light in weight, the names a lie! ,however nor are they so heavy theyll mess you up. iv got four sets of trade LYTES ,some triple 10 rungs and some double 10rungss <[which are my main ladder] and used everyday by me or my workers . iv always bought my ladders from www.brownsladders.co.uk quite a good efficient service

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Thanks, is this the one you use? This looks safe a ladder and sturdy. like the stability part also that pretty much will go now where.


Make and type is a personal thing but like boarcity says do buy trade ,domestic ladders will be shot in a year and need replacing

Thanks, is this the one you use? This looks safe a ladder and sturdy. like the stability part also that pretty much will go now where.[media]

You can't use a ladder like this , you need a rigid solid ladder , like a youngman or a abru trade Ladder , I worked at abru for about a year making their and there good ladders

Look on bottom of page 1 of thread called oh dear

I posted on wrong thread but it's what i use by lite
