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New Varistream Controller Help


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Well-known member
Hello guys,

Im needing some help with my new varistream controller ,it keeps displaying deadend (DE)

I've calibrated it to 30 then 40 and every 10 psi al the way to 80 psi but Im still getting a deadend ..

Ive checked for kinks in the hose and all seems fine , Ive connected the hose directly to water water Tao and all works fine...

Any help would be great...

Just installed the system yesturday

might be the hose connections mate ?

But try this:

try running the pump without the hose reeli just a small hose ... so its got no chance in the world to get blocked... put the flowrate up to 99 and a lot of water should be flying out that hose.... if it is then its your hose and connections etc

if its not coming out with just that small hose connected to the pump... then its a problem with your pump mate

ALSO: when you are testing it out the small hose....... make sure you take the end connection of from the hose

Cheers mate for the reply, i got it sorted...i had to use the auto calibrated feature on the varistream unit and all is working 100 %

That was doing my head in lol

Many Thanks

