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Night time window cleaning !


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I have to do an office before 8am so I start and usually finish in the dark,

I wouldnt want to let it go, it's too well paid, and has opened many opportunitys for me through the owner of the building,

Sometimes needs must, and that's how you grow,

Granted, it's only 2 months of the year I'm Doing it in the dark, usually only December and Jan, so, in the grand scheme of things, it's really not an issue,

I'm sure it's the same for lots of windies that do commercial, they all probably work in the dark at this time of year...

I have thousands of torches, its bordering on a fetish. I've always liked torches lighters (don't even smoke), knives, and watches. The head torches from aldi are great if you are ever looking for a cheapie, I've got a few of them. If youwant to spend a little more then Petzl make one called the Tactikka which I have had for years.

I have a bungalow on my round that caught meout the other night, so I hung aninspection light off my jumper and carried on. It makes no difference, if anything it helps you see the dirt even more. Its less to do with earning enough money, and more to do with staying on schedule and not wasting petrol coming back the next day.

Bet you were tired,

I need to get up at 6:30am daily, rather than 7am, cos when I do commercial early, it's a bit of a shock to the system. I swear I had jet leg last week when started at 6:45am lol

I got up at 6:00am, and that was enough to make me feel like I flown to New Zealand

I get up at 6am every day regardless of whether i am working or not. You are only put on the planet once so why waste time in bed asleep.

Nobody on their death bed is going to say i wish i cleaned windows in the dark, i mean i wished i slept more in my bed.

I get up at 6am every day regardless of whether i am working or not. You are only put on the planet once so why waste time in bed asleep.
Nobody on their death bed is going to say i wish i cleaned windows in the dark, i mean i wished i slept more in my bed.
That's what I need to do Damo, they say you feel so so much better if you get up at the same time daily,

My problem is I lie in on the weekends, bad practice...

That's why i get up early! 10am. Well 10.21am and thats my week sorted up to wednesday. Not doing any more, as weather looks pants for the week. So if i cant work some hours, i need to redo planner. So waste of time /emoticons/smile.png

Bet it makes you feel less tired being up at the same time daily as well? That's what they recommend anyway..

They say if your tired go to bed earlier, but always get up at the same time....

New Years resolution for me, get up same time every day!!

Urm yes and no. Some days by the time window cleaning "stuff" is done it can be 8pm. So by the time i have done my night time stuff it can be 11-12pm. So then i have 5-6 hours sleep and can be wrecked.

Next year i wont have todo the stuff i am doing this year. Only got to update customers details one on planning software. Once it's done, its done.

I can totally understand why it would be required for commercial work due to the restrictions on when you can clean, but residential I think is something else. I have no doubt that it's possible to clean windows properly in the dark aided with some form of light however if I was to look out of my homes windows when it was dark and see a window cleaner cleaning next doors windows using the above method my only thought would be WTF is all that about:fubar::fubar: and to be honest I would think it would give an unprofessional impression to the general public much like cleaning when it's ABSOLUTELY lashing it down, its down to how its perceived at the end of the day not to how its actually carried out.

Excellent replies lads, the more i think about it the more i cant wait. Actually need to check windows i did last night brb /emoticons/biggrin.png

EDIT - Perfect. Look at who cleaned them /emoticons/tongue.png/emoticons/wink.png

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Monday will be my first real tester. Planing on working 4-5pm on Monday.
Cleaned my own Windows (high wind and rain) so will see what they are like.
I do all my commercial work wfp/tradding From 21 evening to 6 in the morning. But it's a big city and traffic and parking is just so much easier .

Once a dentist was in the building, when I thought everyone was gone came out and looked all ?????? :laugh: Then I just told him why , and he went merry on his way home . I hate traffic and I don't wanna waste my time there . :thumbsup:

Xmas is coming so need a few more beer tokens. :rofl::rofl:

It's the same situation as cleaning in the rain. Looks desperate doesn't it ? :rolleyes:

Couldn't make it up.

Customer called up. One off before Xmas.

Guess who's getting a night time bonus super mega discount.

Will take pics to prove it. (Assuming I get job)

Xmas is coming so need a few more beer tokens. :rofl::rofl:
It's the same situation as cleaning in the rain. Looks desperate doesn't it ? :rolleyes:
No I think cleaning in the rain looks unfortunate but cleaning in the dark looks amateurish, I personally wouldn't even consider cleaning in the dark myself as I believe is simply give a bad impression. I myself have been caught out on two occasions this year where as I left the clean to late in the day and ended finishing it as it was getting dark and the only reason for this was bad planing and chasing the dollar. I felt utterly embarrassed as I finished cleaning one conservatory as the family sat down for tea :hey: a mistake that I hope not to make again :think:


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