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NOOO! Not again!


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At least this forum hasn't become a bastion of political correctness .. One of the big reasons I enjoy not working for global organisations anymore..

Their is some converted railway carriages on South Sheilds sea front that were used for a pub that is or was called the sand dancer, We've not been for years

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It was a nightclub that was frequented by ladies of the night, so I've been told. There was a woman that worked out of there in the early 80's  that was found dead in Sunderland and her customers where asked to voluntarily go to the Police Station and explain where they were that night. A barman in the Roker Hotel, who I spoke to regularly, told me as he was one of her customers, and went to give a statement. When my  Wife found out she called him a dirty sod  :1f602:

What's your plan of action with no heater ...?@Part Timer
Did as I said I would, then this morning I had some gutters to do first then around 11 had to do some Windows. With great trepidation got connected up and turned pump on, fully expecting DE, and out came the water. Gave myself a big pa,t on the back for being such a smart bunny, connected the brush and got wet. When I ran the genie in the back of the van I'd not noticed the pole hose hanging down and had melted 2 big holes in the middle of the hose. So instead of working the next 90 minutes with my 18' pole had to use my 27' ?

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Go tubeless mate no hanging hose to damage. 

I notice the difference when using my 22 for a house instead of my 18 bloody hard work. 

I hope I have removed my offensive post which I insulted Iron Giant. I attempted friendly banter but it was just too offensive. I am sorry to him and everyone else it offended.


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