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pole hose to reel hose conection


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johnny bravo

Well-known member
ive just nelt on my van floor covered with lino,     crack,      looked under lino and its soacked,     need to get it all out and dry it all,  i knew i had leaks from hose reel to pole hose connector,   but thought too small a leak,         how wrong was i,     i let it build up as its covered,    ****
     is there a more secure leak free fitting instead of the  e z snap, male to female connectors i use   from gardiners
this seems to be the main culprit.

Maybe visit a hydraolics company to ask

The ez snap connections have limited lifespan and just needs replacing every so often. Mine have lasted close to two years now and soon need to be replaced. They'll last a bit longer with lubrication and if you avoid dragging the male part along the ground too much.
