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Pressure Sprayer Any Use ?


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Darren Summers

Hi Guys,

Just a quick question I am wanting to move my traditional customers to water fed as soon as... I am coming into some money end of March but I seen a guy in another town using a pressure pump sprayer like a gardening one that you pump. he was using water fed pole system and it looked to work fine.

Anyone have any experience with this and if I was to do it this way until March what connections etc would I need all seems confusing 6mm 8mm etc and all different connections...

Any help would be appreciated..

I worked with WFP all day a few years ago and although capacity may be an issue I could not help but thiunk reeling in hose and reeling out hose is just as time consuming as filling up and pumping... Thanks for the link Dodger very useful..

My next plan was to link 2 10ltr ones together and make a handle that attaches to both pump handles, which would mean more pressure and capacity although pressure isn't an issue I'd like to go to mini bore hose. I still haven't gotten around to it so don't know how well it would work but as M said filling up is the pain but I don't mind the pumping, at a fairly low flow rate it'll easy do a big window on one pump, sometimes 2.

Its how I started 15 years ago, got fed up of pumping and stuck a small flojet and 12v batt on it, the first Backpack /emoticons/smile.png if I was doing it all again I would go straight to an eleccy backpack. Hudson or redhat or wcw.

Got to agree with M and jeff partly, I don't mind it and some of my customers love it but I don't do too much wfp I'm mostly trad, if I did do much more I would definitely go electric and higher capacity.

My next plan was to link 2 10ltr ones together and make a handle that attaches to both pump handles' date=' which would mean more pressure and capacity although pressure isn't an issue I'd like to go to mini bore hose. I still haven't gotten around to it so don't know how well it would work but as M said filling up is the pain but I don't mind the pumping, at a fairly low flow rate it'll easy do a big window on one pump, sometimes 2.[/quote']have you thought about using a backpack sprayer like these
Yes mate, took it back lol.

Other type are a lot easier to mod for wider diameter hose, I did consider modding one of those to use foot to pump it though. (head full of rubbish me)

i looked at one at a local garden shop and it looked like all would need doing is the lance taking off and a rectus 21 fitting with a 8mm tail fitting on to conect to the pole hose its what they do with the battery backpacks there just modded weed sprayers. what do you want a larger hose on it for?

They don't create enough pressure to push water through a narrow hose mate even widening the internal one raises the pressure. It's called the Venturi effect, forcing liquid through a smaller hose increases velocity but reduces pressure. Even reducing the diameter for a short distance reduces the pressure drastically hence pressure from mine increased by about 100% by just replacing the trigger with a wider internal diameter tap.

I took this one from being virtually unable to push water to 1st floor to being powerful enough at 1st floor to push brush off glass with some force. For 7quid lol.

Me too mate, I only realised it after I started to build it. I did try a 30 litre container with a pressure pump from another one of these but couldn't get it to work right which was a shame.

That was one of problems hence the idea of using 2 seperate ones pumped together, gonna sort that over xmas hols so will know soon enough. Couple of obstacles mostly pumping both with one handle but if I liked life easy I'd buy a backpack lol.

That'll be my next project I think, I only need a pump and battery for that but the pressure pump is my pet project at the mo lol when I get bored with it I'll move on to the leccie trolley. I'll be doing my pole next though gonna order a Ron Thompson Carp Pole on Jeff Brimbles recomendation, 29ft of pole for 50 squid.

carbon wfp for 50 notes not bad I got a pump for £35 and the battery was £18 I think then just some bits of cable a switch and a 9v female charger socket thing from maplins and put it all in a outside electric junction box about £20 in b&q and mounted it on a fold down trolley cost me around £110 in total and only took about 3-4 hours to make
