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Pricing block flats


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View attachment 4124 View attachment 4124 Hi everyone just been asked to price my first big job. Wondered if could help give me an idea. Its a block of flats wants doing every 2 months the back is the same as the picture of the front and the sides have just got a few small windows looks like maybe 1 per flat.

I know it's hard from I picture but just an idea would be great. Thanks

If you're going direct to the managing agent and get all the flats, you could work out what you want from the job, divide it up between the number of flats and charge the same for everyone

Looking at the long strips of windows, maybe £4/5 each and then £3/4 each for the strips above the door.

I don't do 4 storey work myself but you should charge more ideally anything above 2 storey height using a wfp as can be ball breaking work. You also would need good access to be stood in the right position to do the tops.

Best figure out what you want to charge on a per window rate and work it out from that.

I take it you have a long enough lightweight poles and a decent size van mount to want to take on those sorts of job?

Good luck with the quote :thumbsup:

Hi thanks guys. Yes I can get 700ltrs in the van and I've got a gardiner 35ft slx. You can't tell from the picture but the very top flat is actually set back so the only way I can see you could do it is to get access to the roof. I will see what she says I was thinking of getting a price per flat in mind and doing it like that. Maybe £5 or £6 each depending on how many there is?

If you are going to do the top floor from the roof remember a few things:

Health & Safety - you need to comply. It's not only your life, but important to get it right for the management agent.

Insurance - If you don't comply with H&S, then you don't have insurance cover.

Time - it will add on a fair bit of time going up there and cleaning upside down.

Also, the agent will want to know how much it is going to cost them. So, you may be better to give them an overall price, not a price per flat and making them work it out. So, either a price for everything, or price per building.

Blimmey that's cheap @Neil :eek:

For instance I get more than that on a 2 storey job I have and is only 14 flats

First clean £230 then £180 after that

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It's not that big smurf won't take long to do

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think i would price that on a time basis rather than price per flat or counting windows,i could easily do that wfp front back and the sides you mentioned in under three hours so £120 would be where i would be at,as for the top floor only one set of windows is set back and maybe an arrangement might have to be made to gain accsess to the roof,

That's seems hard graft surely for such a small amount? :rolleyes:

think i would price that on a time basis rather than price per flat or counting windows,i could easily do that wfp front back and the sides you mentioned in under three hours so £120 would be where i would be at,as for the top floor only one set of windows is set back and maybe an arrangement might have to be made to gain accsess to the roof,
Looking at the picture, there seems to be a balcony all the way round top floor flats. I'd just trad those . I regards to price, I wouldn't price up per flat, I'd price it as 1 job. You'd gain more that way.

think i would price that on a time basis rather than price per flat or counting windows,i could easily do that wfp front back and the sides you mentioned in under three hours so £120 would be where i would be at,as for the top floor only one set of windows is set back and maybe an arrangement might have to be made to gain accsess to the roof,
I agree mate, but up North also Wakefield area :rofl:


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