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Problems converting from 1 man to 2 man wfp van setup


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Hi. What's the correct way to setup 2 pumps from 1 water tank? I have two sets of everything. I put a hozelock y piece in after the tank , then into 2 strainers, pumps,hoses. But for some reason they won't work properly. If I unplug the pipe from the reel, the water comes out. If I plug it back In. The water seems to stop and pumps run dry. They both work seperately, just not together. Thanks for your replys

put a pic up,

are they both at the same height, are both pumps the same, i run two reels of 1 pump try that and see if it is still working

are they both running of same battery,

I think it might be the y piece, try changing it back so there is one pump being fed from the outlet, and put a bit of hose for the other pump down into the tank through the lid. If that works, you will have to try and cobble together something more permanent.

There was a thread on here ages ago about someone setting up a 2 man system and i suggested that the 1 pump should handle it, but he rightly pointed out that if using 2 reels off 1 pump and a pump controller, the flow is going to be erratic. If the pump controller is set just so, for 2 men using it, when 1 stops their flow, the other is going to suddenly get a big boost in water flow. So i think what you are trying to is the best way, if you can get it to work!.

put a pic up,

are they both at the same height, are both pumps the same, i run two reels of 1 pump try that and see if it is still working

are they both running of same battery,

I run 2 off one pump also with no probs
i think we are all tight hear:D because i also run 2 off one pump and never had a problem

View attachment 397

Here's my set up. I've previously put this pic on here and you can see that the pumps are in line with pump 1 (on the left) taking the feed from the hose line then going out under the van to the van port. Hope this helps a little.

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sounds like a blockage somewhere.

I run 3 off of a 100 psi Shurflo pump no problem

Thanks for all your replys, I have sorted it. How? Bought another tank, lol. I took the new lad out with me today and if I take away the 2 hours i took trying to fix everything on site, we ran out of water at 12. So had a quick look on eBay and managed to get someone to end another 400l upright tank early. £80. Like new. All good. Just need to work another long day!!

I put bigger outlet in my tank, so instead of Swear word!py little pipe coming out, it's got 1 inch pipe, split into 2 12mm to my 2 pumps. plenty of water reaching the pump then.

Yeah that could have been the problem. But I got the tank second hand and it's got a Swear word!py hozelock fitting which looks like its been glued on, so I daren't remove it incase it won't work again


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