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Pump turned off but still get a constant dribble


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Sam Hodgson

Well-known member
Hello everyone,

I’m still Pretty new to wfp as I switched over from traditional 4 weeks ago.

wverything has been going fine but this morning when I went out to my van there was a constant dribble coming out of my p1 outlet. I tried turning on my pump and then turning it off again and the dribble continues to come out. Any ideas what the issue could be? All the equipment is brand new so I’d be surprised if it was a pump issue?

thanks in advance, Sam :)

It’ll just be the waterstop on the fitting. It might have some **** in it, or just a poor seal.

 The pumps will let water through when they’re are switched off, I learned that after leaving an open fitting on the end of my reel overnight and emptying a tank of water all over the floor. 

To add more info, ( I was panicking a bit this morning ?)

I changed the resins at the weekend and emptied my tank fully for the first time since new. I think some of the plastic shards from where holes were drilled etc. May have gotten into the pump or as you say the valve on the rear of my van as I tried using p1 today and the water pressure is not as high as it usually is. I have connected hose 1 to it to stop the leak and I’m working from P2 with no issues. Still think it’s the connection on back of the van or some **** in the pump meaning it’s restricting flow and not shutting off properly? My friend I’ve noticed has some sort of filter/seive before his pump but I don’t have that... do I need one?

Thanks for the help, Sam :)

Yeah, sounds like that might be the issue, pick up a strainer they’re worth having fitted, it can help to protect the pump. sometimes small debris can also make its way through the hoses and block the jets in the brush, and it’s a pain to clear, usually needing a pin to unblock them.
