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Rattling noise


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So a couple of days ago i worked with another window cleaner from his van on a big job. Water use wasnt a problem so he had the de set at 65 and flow at 75 and the pressure of the water coming out was amazing. I could work so much quicker and rinsing was a dream.

so I tried to get my system which is basically identical to his to run the same but just cant get it even near as good, even if i pump the settings higher than his.

But one thing I noticed and often have in the past is a kind of rattling noise when the pump runs which i always thought was coming from the pump itself. However today i realized it is actually coming from the top of the resin bottle.

Im sure in the past its been a lot worse when there has been air in the system. So could there be air trapped inside the bottle? Or some other problem with it?

The resin bottle is one of those dumpy ones.

Any help appreciated thanks

It's more likely air is in the system going into the di tank. Have you done a test by disconecting the di and wacking the pump on full pelt to see if it flows well and consitant?

I have done that in the past usually when I have run out of water the day before as it always then has air in it. It will be really bad then in fact the bottle visibly vibrates on those occasions. I've just always felt that there is something not quite right with the way my system works. Its the best is been but just opened my eyes a bit too what it should be like when I was using my friends last week.

So a couple of days ago i worked with another window cleaner from his van on a big job. Water use wasnt a problem so he had the de set at 65 and flow at 75 and the pressure of the water coming out was amazing. I could work so much quicker and rinsing was a dream.so I tried to get my system which is basically identical to his to run the same but just cant get it even near as good, even if i pump the settings higher than his.

But one thing I noticed and often have in the past is a kind of rattling noise when the pump runs which i always thought was coming from the pump itself. However today i realized it is actually coming from the top of the resin bottle.

Im sure in the past its been a lot worse when there has been air in the system. So could there be air trapped inside the bottle? Or some other problem with it?

The resin bottle is one of those dumpy ones.

Any help appreciated thanks
Does the DI leak? How is the DI held in place, not a bracket or anything rattling is it? Is it the riser tube rattling? Can't think of any other questions ATM.

I would suspect it is the hose coming from the outlet of the pump that is vibrating with trapped air in it not the di head itself. The tone of the pump is noticeably different and vibrates much more too when air is not bled from the system properly.

I suspect your pump strainer needs cleaning. If this is caked up it will prevent a high flow & puts a higher load on the pump as it struggles to pull enough water through the restriction of the strainer. This also can make the pump kind of rattle.

Hi guys thanks for the replies. I have checked the strainer and it is totally clean. The Di is not clamped down at all it doesn't slide around at all. I had a good listen smurf and actually I think the vibration is coming from the hoselock going into the Di. It is one of the aquastop ones that shut off if it is disconnected and I think it's the little plastic bit inside that closes it off that is vibrating. Is it possible that this is restricting the flow a bit? I do remember reading someone saying they never use the aquastop ones as they had trouble with them.

On the out side of the Di head I have not got a hoselock as it was forever popping off for some reason.

No mate. I mean is not terrible low but just compared to what I think I should be getting it's nowhere near. Just frustrating really.

Was you mate using an identical pump and was the pump going through a di tank afterwards?

Have you bled the system to get rid of any air in the system and primed your pump properly?

Do you have any water leaks at all including all connections on your hose reel di tank etc? If you do obviously this would effect the flow rate at the brush.

Have you check all hoses that they are not restricting the water flow? Not just for kinks but also on the inlet side of the pump can get sucked in reducing the flow.

We have both got shurflo pumps I can't be certain they are identical models but when I got it be said it was the same as his but I will check next time I see him. His goes through the exact same di bottle that I have as well. I've done my best to bleed the system I put the flow to Max and disconnect the hose between the pump and Di as that's where the air normally seems to get trapped. How exactly do you prime the pump properly tho? Thanks again

To prime the pump properly when it's wacked up to full flow you will notice that the tone changes and you get a good constant increased strong flow without the water spluttering at all.

I tried that earlier today I took a video to try and show you the noise and water flow I get but I can't seem to upload it. Maybe it's too big a file can you only do pictures on here?

/emoticons/sad.png sorry to keep banging on but it's doing my head in. Was working with my mate again today but using my own van cleaning a load of cladding down while he is doing same on the next house with his pole blasting water out. What I also noticed is if I shut the pole hose tap off and wait until the pump stops then open it again the pressure is great at first then pretty quickly starts dropping. The pump then kicks in and it picks up a bit but not up to what it was. Is this normal?
Pressure builds up in the hose when you turn the water off so yes its normal when you turn the flow back on it will come out stronger for a millisecond or two.

/emoticons/sad.png sorry to keep banging on but it's doing my head in. Was working with my mate again today but using my own van cleaning a load of cladding down while he is doing same on the next house with his pole blasting water out. What I also noticed is if I shut the pole hose tap off and wait until the pump stops then open it again the pressure is great at first then pretty quickly starts dropping. The pump then kicks in and it picks up a bit but not up to what it was. Is this normal?
May or may not make any difference but try placing your strainer flat with the sight glass pointing up. On mine, any air is trapped up top and doesn't then interfere with the flow. Then re calibrate . It worked for me.

May or may not make any difference but try placing your strainer flat with the sight glass pointing up. On mine, any air is trapped up top and doesn't then interfere with the flow. Then re calibrate . It worked for me.

I don't think that would make much difference to be honest as you still have to get rid of any air which has to be pumped all out of the system surely for the pump to be primmed properly?

May or may not make any difference but try placing your strainer flat with the sight glass pointing up. On mine, any air is trapped up top and doesn't then interfere with the flow. Then re calibrate . It worked for me.

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