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Referrals for free cleaning


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Just wandering your thoughts on a strange idea I've been toying with. Namely, if a customer refers a certain number of people (I'm thinking 5) to be custies, they then get their own windows done for free for as long as the other five stay customers.

I think if someone managed to get me 5 regular customers then I would probably give them a free clean if it was just a small house. But don't be too over generous IMO as you still have a living to make.

I've heard of chaps offering one free clean as a thank you for referring 5 ppl that remain customers after say 3 cleans but not for life so to speak. Surley if it should take of somedays you might end up working for nothing:rolleyes:

Surley if it should take of somedays you might end up working for nothing:rolleyes:
Maybe the odd day but it'll never cause me to work entirely for free. For every free house, I'll have five times that in paid work.

I would do a free clean if a custy got me a couple of jobs maybe but not free for ever

But then again i don't even do my brothers windows for free

I tried the free clean for a referral. I ended up doing a 30 quid house for free and I got a 15 quid house out of it. The 15 quid house went from 4 weekly to 8 weekly after a few cleans. The woman who lives in the 30 quid house nearly got me another job a few months ago, but I smelt a messer and never took it on so she didn't get another free clean thank ****. I don't offer it anymore for obvious reasons /emoticons/biggrin.png

when i first started out not to long ago (3 years) i spent £150 on a 3 month print ad in a local chat magazine, offering first clean for 3 based on them being a regular 6 weekly customer....worst mistake....did aorund 15 first cleans for free and only kept 3 of them now due to them giving me the usual "oh not this time, mybe next time etc" long story short dont do free cleans

i nearly choked on my mince pie.(number four)...by all means a free clean....but thats it....me i just make a joke about them being my agent... /emoticons/biggrin.png

funny thing life...where i was today was a job i picked up from a leaflet drop donkeys ago....and when i went to price it he said someone else had called and said they would do the first clean free but he didnt trust that idea...

That idea sounds extremely hard to regulate and monitor. With the cost of overheads, I'd be looking for a simple fair price for a job, if I still can't get work, I'll do another job.

I find that because i do a very good job my custys are more than happy to pass my name on anyway

Women love to gossip and they will mention you at some point

Also i give them a couple of business cards each to pass on

I got a new job recently due to their wfp guy being shite (before you start i am not slating wfp just the cleaner lol)

She passed me on to her daughter

They went away for xmas with family friends and had a good old natter as they do and now i have had phone calls from 3 of her mates who are now custys

I stick by my opinion of do a good job and it will get you more

Yeah. Keep prices higher and better service /emoticons/smile.png I've heard a lot of people don't like their current cleaner for what ever reason. I'm going to take these customers.

If people are too cheap and don't put effort in, either friendly manner or slack job, whatever the field of work, it won't go down well and peoples heads will turn.

Round here it seems the windys can only clean round windows as they never do the corners properly

Best get a job cleaning boat windows

That is the common complaint anyway

That and the 1 wfp guy who moves the dirt about and gets moaned about by many

Maybe he should turn the water on

I offer my residential customers a voucher for every customer referred to me that gets a job done that way they can save vouchers, gift them or use them as discounts. I offer a similar bonus to real estate agents and property managers as a thank you for the work.

I've been doing this now since I started puraclenz , I offer a free clean for every referral that becomes a regular customer , always worked well for me , have 1 customer that has referred 7 up to now

3 new jobs today

1 neighbour of a custy

1 uncle of a custy

And 1 from accross the road from a custy who saw me up the ladder

Tne neighbour and the uncle were recommendations from the same custy

Doesn't always happen but good when it does

I have one customer that I've never particularly liked since I started (I would though). I cleaned her windows as she said she wanted a regular cleaner, turns out when the job was done , that a regular cleaner was every 3 months. I bit my lip and vowed not to go again. Anyway it turned out to be a nice little filler when times were quiet. So she comes to the door one day and says about her mum needing a windy for her small house. SO I gave a quote from her description and discussed a monthly price. Forgetting me the extra work i knocked a fiver off her bill. So I went and cleaned the old dears house and when chatting to her, she tells me shes leaving next week so she wanted to get the place nice and clean for the new owners. :mad::mad::mad:

Twice that ***** duped me now.

I got a new job recently due to their wfp guy being shite (before you start i am not slating wfp just the cleaner lol)She passed me on to her daughter

They went away for xmas with family friends and had a good old natter as they do and now i have had phone calls from 3 of her mates who are now custys

I stick by my opinion of do a good job and it will get you more
You could have wrote,

I got a new job recently due to their window cleaner being shite.

Their method of work makes no difference. So you were slating methinks /emoticons/tongue.png


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