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Resin Again....


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When I used unger for the first time I exactly bought a new tds because I fought my meter had to faulty when 2 week later then when is be changing my tulsion I'm still producing pure

Never go back no carny fault it one bit

Tuffers is the lot that has just exhausted do you still have the bag and let us know the batch number. The first di has the resin exhausted completely as that will have an impact on the second di.

I seen on other forums about guys buying resin from daqua and complaining about bad batch

Bishy I'm aware of these posts and anyone who knows me I have spent time to find the route cause. Couple of weeks ago I spent a weekend trying to resolve an issue because he stated it was a bad batch due to certain people's comments. We found the fault within an hour but spent time why this fault was occurring. This was due to a design in the product but it will work from day one but after a period of time becomes an issue because of the way it has been designed.

On the other hand there are certain ones who jump on the band wagon and I feel some may have ulterior motives having never bought from us. One person I am aware keeps making statements and he knows I caught him out.

But that's life people do things like this for some reason and this is why you are seeing a lot of suppliers no longer commenting on forums.

Instead of analysing the route problem the easiest thing is to blame something without checking everything .

Quality means a lot to us so we always qc check a sample of our products.

This past week I have rejected a whole load of stock (not resin) as it was not fit for purpose after finding a problem. That product spec was 6 bar and now to cover themselves the manufacturer has down graded to 2 bar to cover themselves. Which is fine as can be used in other applications but will not suit this industry. Other suppliers may continue to use it but we will be pulling out.

Resin issues I have listened and we are tightening the parameters as well as having a new product code.

So was there a fault with resin ? , I can't fault you guys as never used you before. veritech there resin don't seem to last as long I thought it was me how I stored it and that but then started seeing people post , I've changed to unger and I'm getting more for my money as it is lasting longer,

No fault with the resin Bishy. I requested two lots to be sent back to us that was supposed to already exhausted and when inserted the resin into our vessels reading was 000 ppm for a long time.

One I resolved with the customer and it was a crack in their riser tube, the other we think was human error not inserting the riser tube correctly into the head.

Another was the di head which I have given details above. These are big sellers in the market.

Varitech stock the lower grade resin.

I get mb115 of them so there was no bad batch ? I think people easy judge when see post and as we know bad news goes round quicker then good news

It's a bit like making beer. You only make xxx litres in a batch due to boiler size.

Same like resin it's made in 3000 litre batches (120 bags), of which 60 % goes to other industries.

Absolute no problems from them and they would be shouting the loudest if there was a problem as there input water is in the high 300 + ppm.

hi doug in your opinion, how high a would you allow your tds to rise before discarding it??myself 10.thanks in advance.

Good question - as soon as mine hits 1 i change my resin , but I need to let it go up abit more to get more of money worth

Hi Mark personally I would not go over 002 ppm.

A lot of people have opinions on this but have never analysed their water so what can be good for one will not for another.

It's all to do with water quality. Cations in water are the main causes for spotting.

So if your cation resin is depleted before your anion then you will get spotting as the cation resin starts to spit out elements and the first is sodium. So you will see little white crystal specs which when there is no sunlight hitting the glass then you may not see them. As soon as there is sunlight you will notice them.

thanks doug for your reply.ive been buying my tulsion from wcw.tbh the last three bags have not lasted long.riser tube ok & not damaged.i also make sure my resin isn't to compacted.i used purolite before.not keen on changing to unger at the moment.resin isn't exactly cheap so you have to make the right choice 1st time.

No disrespect Doug but after 12 years of DI only and performance monitoring there is no doubt in my mind that Tulsion MB115 regardless of where it is bought from has gone down the pan. As you know, I bought new DI vessels and a new TDS meter and these had zero effect on resin performance. At this moment in time, your resin is at an all time low in performance. I've checked everything you've suggested as well as everything I can think of. Gradually, over the last 2 years this resin has deteriorated in my honest opinion. Maybe my water content has changed, I don't know but Five full days from one fill on my 11ltr vessel can only be described as poor, very poor.

Tony when you next change your resin , the last bit of resin on the bottom pour into a plastic cup then put a pin prick in it. Then pour some water in and measure it when it starts dripping. If you are only getting 5 days I'm more than willing to meet up somewhere to analyse.

As you said new di vessel! These problems I have experienced with new vessels and from the eye all seems okay.

I am meeting a manufacturer next week to speak about my findings.

Under pressure something is contracting letting untreated mix with treated!!!

If it is only lasting 5 days then lets work on this together if your up for it.

Tony when you next change your resin , the last bit of resin on the bottom pour into a plastic cup then put a pin ***** in it. Then pour some water in and measure it when it starts dripping. If you are only getting 5 days I'm more than willing to meet up somewhere to analyse.
As you said new di vessel! These problems I have experienced with new vessels and from the eye all seems okay.

I am meeting a manufacturer next week to speak about my findings.

Under pressure something is contracting letting untreated mix with treated!!!

If it is only lasting 5 days then lets work on this together if your up for it.
I'll do the cup thing and let you know.

My point with the new vessel is that it ruled out a vessel problem- no change in resin performance between old vessels and new ones.

I'm struggling with the pressure thing too. When pressure is at it's highest is when water flow is cut off and the controller dead ends. In this situation, with no flow, then raw water cannot mix with pure as the system is static so water cannot flow to facilitate any mix of waters. When this pressure is released then the water will take the easiest course, which again, would not allow any water mixture. My twin DI's are free flowing, all strainers are cleaned every fill. I can very easily flow water through them with my mouth. My controller (MKI digi varistream) is set to flow 2 (from a maximum of 10) and pressure 6-7 (from a maximum of 15).

I've just refilled a vessel with the last resin from this particular bag. I still have the bag and some spent resin from it also. I'll do the cup thing and let you know.

with all this talk with tulsion resin etc,just came in from filling my van.its had it & beyond use(tds to high).so I tipped the spent resin from my 25ltr di vessel into a bag & from that filled my 11 ltr spare di vessel.its gone back to zero.sometimes it works & maybe last a week or two.

gone to unger resin seems to last way longer than tulsion and i use the same amount roughly each week

Mark if you saying the spent resin that was in the 25 litre vessel is now reading 000 ppm in your 11 litre vessel then that shows you have a problem with your 25 litre vessel.

its a mystery to me!!!once the tds rises in 25 ltr vessel.i always pour it out & mix it & put it in 11 ltr vessel.it doesn't last long-maybe a week.i always take things on board doug.so what kind of problems could effect a di vessel.riser tube ok,no cracks-holding pressure?ive always been told to either shake the vessel or literally mix it to get more life out of it.sometimes it works or doesn't!!!
