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Ro help!


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Duncs volume vs input ppm vs flow rate is critical. 10" can only cope with input of around 006 ppm with 40 psi. Any higher or greater psi it will struggle to take it out at 000ppm.

Smurf 420 is pretty high so membranes may last around 6 months. Min ppm out of r/o will be around 009ppm but probably get around 010/015ppm.

Water Softener is one of those things where if my tap water was that high I would have one installed in the house to protect all my machines.

Adding another membrane would increase production.

thanks doug little question just changed my filters on RO after year use.

producing around 5000l per week. Every thing was running fine resin lasting ok

mainly just precaution. How long should I go until I change the membrane

Blimey so needs I need a bigger DI vessel then? just got back from a job and its producing at 21 now without DI vessel.

I can add a 20" DI vessel for about £50, looks like that is what I will have to do.

Not going to happen before Monday though which is first day out WFP, took on some jobs that I can't do trad intentionally on that day lol.


You need a 7 litre or above. Smurf made a mistake in saying inches should have been litres. Do you have a link of the system you bought

Not going to comment on these guys but make your own mind up. They have a listing on Ebay stating 100 gpd Dow membrane then below that call it a Hidrotek membrane. On their website state takes out 99% of solids, this is a world leader or miss leading comment as this is made in China. The best quality membranes only take out 98% !!!

If it has the Dowex membrane the you have a quality membrane, if not then hence reason for your rejection rate sitting at 6% if it is coming out at 022 after the membrane.

The pamphlet thingy that came with it written by the chap says it should remove about 95% from the RO, its a hydrotek unit.

Well spotted doug... sorry I meant 11 litre di vessel.

You need a 7 litre or above. Smurf made a mistake in saying inches should have been litres. Do you have a link of the system you bought
Actually ordered some more resin this morning, I only need enough to do Monday, the rest of the week I can trad and buy the new DI vessel.

Hopefully I can put new resin in and get a couple of hundred litres off.

Just watching some of the future of cleaning videos, with Perry or something, and he reckons you can clean spot free up to 030?

Hmmm, I might get away with 021 then for first clean, then get new chamber for second?

If I add this larger DI vessel after the current set up, am I going to have enough water pressure to get any output? as what's coming off it now is pretty low.

Just washed a window on my house, thought I would see what happens, so it starts raining.

I really must have been a bastard in a former life lol.
