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Ro help!


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It can be a very steep learning curve for sure but that ro will do you for now.

Like you say by getting a 7 litre di vessel in the link and enough resin to fill it. You will also need to get and adaptor fitting so your small output pipe will connect to the input of the di tank and that's you sorted bud to get you started producing 000ppm pure water.

Just thought I would mention I have also bought di tanks from that seller on fleebay and never had any issues. Maybe ask for the fitting/adapter aswell as he maybe able to sell you one too. /emoticons/wink.png

Luckily that seller is just down the road from me, about 9 miles away, so he will do it a bit cheaper due to no post or ebay fees.

I'll pick one up mid week next week.

I only ever wash my own windows when testing stuff, which has been handy, I had a "really" dirty window at the back of the house, I washed it pretty quickly with the WFP, across the top of the glass a couple of times, two passes over the rest of the glass and then rinsed it.

The glass is perfect, so I am a lot more confident about Monday now, which is a big relief /emoticons/smile.png

And funny you mention the adaptor I just sat down to look for what I needed and checked here first /emoticons/smile.png

I use a 200gpd ro. My water is 275 so a lot less then yours. When I got it I flushed it for about 3 hours. It gets my water down to about 12. My water pressure is crap so have a booster pump. I still need to di's to get it down to 000pm. I've 2 4.5 litre ones so as smurf said a 7- 9 litre one should do it. The hose coming from my ro to my first di I have fitted a tap so I can run the water into the first di slowly. I find this helps. If I run it straight in it creeps up a bit. The slower you put it in the lower it stays. This is what I've found anyway.
