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securing a tank


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Hi everybody will be setting up a wfp system in my new van and decided to have a go myself ie. there will be 83384839 of questions from me. Sorry in advance haha. First question my new van has been fully ply lined recently so what i was planning to do was put down a rubber flooring all over to protect the wood from water but what is a good bet to secure a tank then? It is a 400 litres baffled upright. Thanks everyone

Water gets under wood and it won't dry out = beginnings of rust.

We remove the ply flooring and then paint the metal with Protectakote. A piece of rubber matting with holes will protect the protectakote from being worn away when lugging hose reels in and out.

Something like this


A metal frame properly secured to the van's floor is the best way to secure the tank

Hi everybody will be setting up a wfp system in my new van and decided to have a go myself ie. there will be 83384839 of questions from me. Sorry in advance haha. First question my new van has been fully ply lined recently so what i was planning to do was put down a rubber flooring all over to protect the wood from water but what is a good bet to secure a tank then? It is a 400 litres baffled upright. Thanks everyone
If you don't want the answer that's fine, but why ask the question then?

There is no need for getting upset. Thank you for pointing out the metal frame option was just wondering if there were any other (possibly cheaper) options out there? By the way does anyone know where I could get a metal frame for a 400 upright ?

ive got a 500l uprite ive rachet straped my tank to the bulkhead with the anker points

your a 100 litres too short raffa. theres the horse stable rubber matting, the water will stay on the matting in the little dents on the matting, easy to clean up. this is what im looking for locally to pick up.

if you flood van as you will , take all out and dry off, put back again untill you get it right

ive ratcheted mine down.against bulkhead. 5 ton ratchet straps.

any local outlet will sel you them.

just type 5 ton ratchet straps in harrogate. into google taskbar

all the adresses will pop up, all different prices but all the same strengh.

mine were £6+ each, only use 2. you pay for lengh, i did.

I think you have to tell your insurance company if you carry a water tank in the back ??? Correct me if I'm wrong .

because I carry water barrels it didn't affect my insurance

ive never had a problim with mine at all im with aplan they allow u to have a tank an it dont matter wat size u have wich is nce i upgraded from 350l to a 500l an there was no increase in price

You could also get a local fabricator to make you a frame for your tank the way that you want it designed to incorporate the battery, pump, controller, ro, di tank etc. Then it's just a case of to get someone to bolt down properly.

They also sell just the frames on the likes of fleebay too

Those anchor points are only as good as the welding there on, a company I use to work for before had a 1000 ltr tank held in by ratchet straps never had a problem for ages but after a couple of years the anchor point snapped off and the tank slid across and bulged out the side of the van (this happened when going round a corner! Be careful what you do ! Frame bolted through to the chassis would be your best option [emoji106]

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if u can afford it then defo gat a custum tank fitted in fraim an bolted to van rachet straps r ok tho but not as safe as the cage bolted imo

garages which also do there own welding , plates underneath with anchor points welded onto them going into van for your 5 ton ratchet straps.

get a few quotes and let us lnow
