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Seeking Input: window cleaning opportinuty UK


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Hello everyone i've been toying with an idea for a personal project and wanted to gauge interest.

as an independant window cleaner would you be against doing freelance work for another company? potentially under said companies branding.
if so what £/hour or £/job would make ths more than worth it for you?

thanks in advance.
It sound like a different way of saying sub contracting work out.

It’s between the supplier and contractor to agree.If you’re providing work you will know the price you have available and the cleaner will have a price he would want for doing it.
Every ones price will be different.
We are actively turning work away so wouldn’t be interested funny you have posted this as I have had several emails and txt s over the last few weeks asking us to do sub contract type of work for a small commission fee . If ones are short of work then it may be a good idea but there are a number of firms such as bark already offering this service , I had actually been thinking of setting something like this up myself as we are turning away potential thousands of pounds of work per month , have been giving work to several local small one man band firms for around 18 months now , I was nervous of ones doing a poor job and me ending up getting the hassle to sort it out .

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