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Shurflow pump problem


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Well-known member
HI guys can you help please? had a leak from pump strainer think ive sorted it but now water spluttering abit and doesn't seem right... could it be an airlock > tried few things but not working

any advice appreciated to get it working right again



If it is an airlock turn pump on full an disconnect the water out. Then wen it is comin out strong connect up again

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ok thanks well water seems to coming out fine now but now the flow strainer is dripping again when power off, do the seals on caps go or anything ? ordered a new one been trying allsorts but wont stop dripping any advice here? cheers

We have never had a Shurflo strainer leak around the bowl to body seal.

If air is getting into the system it will be getting in before the pump. So you need to look carefully at the hose from the tank to the filter first. Sometimes jubilee clips pinch the hose and leave a ridge that air can be sucked in.

We use the Shurflo filter with bayonet nuts to tighten them up. They do not need ptfe tape to seal them as they will seal themselves - they have a male and female conical cone that is a good seal. We tighten them up by hand and then nip them slightly tighter with a small spanner.

We have never had an issue since using these bayonet filters. The filters we use are the same as second from the bottom.

DAQUA - Suppliers of Shurflo window cleaning pumps, Varistream Controllers and Fittings

We also use the shurflo bayonet hose connectors.


Part no 234-2926

Part no 234-3926

The first filters were screw on and they were problematic.

